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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
May 17, 20102307792411213
May 14, 2010LuWen3rd month of charting. Went on vacation 16th - 23rd followed...272006
May 14, 2010MzluvlyWell I hadn't had a cycle since Feb 28. I got a BFN and bloo...111703
May 13, 2010pink60schickunbelievably fed up now!!...41912
May 13, 2010TiajeanI wish my cycles would make up their mind... Frustrating! I...72133
May 12, 2010ssbd4me111807
May 11, 2010MrsCTTCCycle 7 using CBFM will it ever happen?...121673
May 6, 2010Damitaits another month...31921
May 6, 2010Jen1702191750
May 6, 2010AmmariFINALLY got a +OPK and thermal shift!...262555
May 5, 2010Babyprayers3rd month of DIM, Zymessence, B6, etc, LH surge day 14, stop...82455
May 3, 2010MissyDeeCycles back to normal I think!! Going to try and be more con...171777
May 1, 2010lustraeI've decided to start charting......01226
Apr 29, 2010destinedttc #2...01080
Apr 29, 2010MC987Onto cycle 9 with a positive outlook, praying for a BFP by t...101763
Apr 28, 2010jeniaevecan anyone tell my O day pls...31366
Apr 27, 2010kaylah185th cycle off BC pill....61665
Apr 27, 2010Rungrl80Meeting with a specialist tomorrow. Hoping we can make somet...91570
Apr 27, 2010Baby2011I took my BBT mostly in the evenings but I took it for the 1...21606
Apr 26, 2010SnowLoverDoes this chart luck healthy enough for a pregnancy to occur...31407
Apr 24, 2010ShawnaJillNot actively ttc this month, but not preventing. Trying to g...11407
Apr 23, 2010st26Do my temps look promising? Hoping for my BFP this week. Two...42837
Apr 18, 2010islandbeauty0999
Apr 17, 2010TiajeanHave been sick for a couple weeks. Finally feeling better an...61689
Apr 16, 2010BFPhopeful111634
Apr 16, 2010DaynaHad the anatomy u/s. It's still a boy! Hubby and I are think...837464
Apr 15, 2010ssbd4meNo meds this month lets see if I O on my own.This is month 4...114587
Apr 15, 2010LuWen2nd month charting...181969
Apr 15, 2010WishingOnAStar201061665
Apr 15, 2010Lala10Temp all over the map. So does that mean I ovulated multiple...31597
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