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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
May 10, 2009HopfulllittleTEhoping to be Pregnant...32037
May 9, 2009CaliGirlHave a short LP and started taking B6 mid-way through this c...31656
May 9, 2009hawaiibabeAnother clomid, IUI...71756
May 9, 2009Clareccc75oh well back to the top.....01084
May 8, 2009Esmeralda41463
May 8, 2009geyaDuke emailed me to set up my account page. Next is to set th...61179
May 8, 2009destinedHoping for a BFP really soon, i have a good feeling about th...31249
May 7, 2009Happyjaxone low too many...1052790
May 7, 2009gracelandgirlNot Trying just more for birth control...81247
May 6, 2009Trishee51027
May 6, 2009418Since the m/c, my period is down from 3-4 days to 1 - 1 1/2...92054
May 6, 2009TiajeanDH had a complete rupture of his Quad tendon on March 19th,...141302
May 6, 2009BadgerAF right on time....171958
May 6, 2009mommy2onefornowhelp with determining when I ovulated?...11271
May 6, 2009MrsBeb01115
May 6, 2009mistie21653
May 6, 2009ambi765ttc after 2 miscarriages one in 07 and one in march of 09...11322
May 5, 2009CarianneHad my first scan and all is good, M/S still turning my life...733085
May 5, 2009minaBeen charting for almost 4mths, we been trying since jan aft...31146
May 5, 2009godsweetBack to the top. Please leave message to let me know you see...361550
May 5, 2009Sidu41038
May 4, 2009NajoDoing the AF dance! Want this cycle to wrap it up IMMEDIATEL...321503
May 4, 2009chiptee01257
May 4, 2009Light19th month TTC - finally geting to see the endo consultant t...51238
May 3, 2009DTC0912
May 3, 2009tmonee01178
May 2, 2009JessicaMariaLets see how this goes ... This cycle taking: Mini asprin,...91145
May 1, 2009Selmadid i O? my temp is rising but i can't see a clear o. Blood...111459
Apr 29, 2009svlasekNever thought I would invite AF to just arrive already!...501863
Apr 28, 2009txnurse01181
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