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Alice Popularity by Generation Chart (girls)

Alice Popularity By Generation (Female)

GenerationAvg. RankTotal Named
Generation Alpha7434,676
Generation Z33619,321
Millennial Generation35711,170
Generation X22422,015
Baby Boomer Generation9097,669
The Silent Generation28142,047
The Greatest Generation12208,810
Total Baby Girls Named Alice535,708

*Rank ranges from 1 to 1000. A lower rank means higher popularity, so #1 rank is most popular and #1000 least popular. Ranks are averaged by generation.

Total Named is the number of babies given this name in the generation listed.

n/a (not available) indicates that no babies were given this name in the generation.

Related: Popular Names By Generation - View most and least popular baby names in any generation. Generation Calculator - by birth year or age.