Compare Name By Generation
Charles Popularity By Generation (Male) | ||
Generation | Avg. Rank | Total Named |
Generation Alpha | 50 | 64,948 |
Generation Z | 57 | 125,276 |
Millennial Generation | 37 | 186,173 |
Generation X | 23 | 288,092 |
Baby Boomer Generation | 11 | 656,843 |
The Silent Generation | 6 | 567,665 |
The Greatest Generation | 6 | 442,484 |
Total Baby Boys Named Charles | 2,331,481 |
*Rank ranges from 1 to 1000. A lower rank means higher popularity, so #1 rank is most popular and #1000 least popular. Ranks are averaged by generation.
Total Named is the number of babies given this name in the generation listed.
n/a (not available) indicates that no babies were given this name in the generation.
Related: Popular Names By Generation - View most and least popular baby names in any generation. Generation Calculator - by birth year or age.