Pregnancy Tracking Calendar Legend

There are several views for the pregnancy calendar:

  • basic view (with or without appointments and markers)
  • enhanced view (with or without appointments and markers)
  • appointments and markers only

In basic view, labels are generally used to indicate that pregnancy tracking data is present on a given day; In enhanced view, a combination of labels and symbols is used. And, for some of the symbols, hovering over the symbol with your mouse pointer will display additional detail. Space permitting in enhanced view, actual data is also shown.

In marker only view, only your calendar appointments and markers are shown, including the marker label you specified. Calendar markers can be used to add appointments (e.g. OB/Gyn doctor's appointments) and other special events to your calendar. They are added using the Edit Appointments link at the top of the pregnancy tracking calendar.

Use the Calendar View dropdown (below pregnancy calendar) to change views.

The label abbreviations and symbols indicate that you have tracked pregnancy data for a given event type. For complete details on the data you have entered, click the Edit link for that day in the calendar, which will take you to the pregnancy daily event page. To review or change a calendar marker/appointment, click its link.

Spotting during Pregnancy (event=Spotting)Enhanced
SpottingSpotting during Pregnancy (event=Spotting)Basic
Pregnancy Start Date which you entered on the Pregnancy Setup page. Basic and Enhanced

Displays in the lower right of calendar date cell when date is within a pregnancy (past or current)
Pregnancy Day Counter - reflects the number of days you've been pregnant: PD 1 appears the day after (i.e. you were pregnant 1 full day, etc.). For past pregnancies, the PD counter increases by 1 up to the pregnancy end date (e.g. the date you indicated your baby was born.) For your current pregnancy, PD increases by 1 up to a maximum of 295 days. Basic; Enhanced
{Actual Weight}Shows weight you enteredEnhanced
WeightWeight data entered on this dayBasic
NotesPregnancy Notes
Hover over image to read start of notes
NotesPregnancy Notes entered on this dateBasic
{#} SymptomsDisplays if you entered at least one Pregnancy Symptom for the date. # shows the number of symptoms you've tracked. For example, if you recorded 5 pregnancy symptoms for this day, 5 Symptoms will display. Basic and Enhanced