Menstrual and Fertility Cycle Calendar Legend

There are several views of the calendar: basic view (with or without markers), enhanced view (with or without markers), and markers only.

In basic view, labels are generally used to indicate that menstrual cycle and fertility tracking data is present on a given day; In enhanced view, a combination of labels and symbols is used. And, for some of the symbols, hovering over the symbol with your mouse pointer will display additional detail. Space permitting in enhanced view, actual data is also shown.

In marker only view, only your calendar markers are shown, including the full text of the marker label you specified. Calendar markers can be used to add appointments (e.g. OB/Gyn, annual physicals) and other special events to your calendar. They are added using the Add Appointment link at the top of the tracking calendar.

To change your calendar view, use the Calendar View dropdown box which appears to the right of the calendar, below the Cycle Dashboard/Taskbar.

The label abbreviations and symbols are used to designate that you have tracked data for a given event type. For complete details on the data you have entered, click the Edit link for that day in the calendar, which will take you to the main tracking event page. To review a calendar marker, click on the marker's link.

In the table below, abbreviations and symbols used on the calendar are shown. To the right of each abbreviation or symbol, we indicate if it displays for basic view, enhanced view, or for both. Some symbols/abbreviations will only appear if you are using Enhanced Fertility, as noted in the column Notes.

Abbreviation / SymbolRepresentsViewNotes
Period Day - Light FlowEnhanced
Period Day - Medium FlowEnhanced
Period Day - Heavy FlowEnhanced
Period Day - Spotting (very light flow)Enhanced
Non-menstrual spotting (event=Spotting)Enhanced
SpottingNon-menstrual spotting (event=Spotting)Basic
Menstrual Period - ClotsEnhanced
Breast self-examEnhanced
BSEBreast self-examBasic
PeriodPeriod DayBasic
First Day of PeriodBasic and Enhanced
Fertility Basic View: Displays if at least one data field filled in on the My Fertility screen

*Enhanced View: Fertility will display if neither BBT or Cervical Fluid was entered on the My Fertility screen, but other data field(s) were filled in. If BBT/CF was filled in, the actual data displays, as outlined next.
Basic; *Enhanced
{Actual BBT Temp}Shows temperature you enteredEnhanced
{Actual Cervical Fluid}Shows CF description you enteredEnhanced
IntercourseEnhancedEnhanced Fertility
(*OV)OvulatedBasicEnhanced Fertility
OvulatedEnhancedEnhanced Fertility
{Actual Weight}Shows weight you enteredEnhanced
WeightWeight recorded on this dayBasic
NotesMy Notes For Today enteredBasic and Enhanced
{#} SymptomsDisplays if you entered at least one My Cycle Today or My PeriMenopause Symptoms Today. # shows the number of symptoms you've recorded. For example, if you recorded 8 symptoms for this day, 8 Symptoms will display.Basic and Enhanced
{#} - FemProtxDisplays if you tracked any feminine protection on this date. # shows total feminine protection you recorded. For example, if you tracked 7 pads and 2 tampons, 9 - FemProtx will display.Basic and Enhanced
PerimenopjrnAt least one perimenopause journal entry made for this dayBasic and EnhancedPerimenopause Journaling
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Displays if the date's lunar phase is a full moon

Note: Turn lunar phase display on/off using My Preferences
Basic and Enhanced
Lunar Phase: New Moon
Displays if the date's lunar phase is a new moon
Basic and Enhanced
Lunar Phase: First Quarter Moon
Displays if date coincides with first quarter moon
Basic and Enhanced
Lunar Phase: Last Quarter Moon
Displays if date coincides with last quarter moon
Basic and Enhanced
(Holiday)Indicates if date is a holiday, and, if displays holiday to the right. Hover over to see the full holiday name, if necessary. Currently, many U.S. holidays are supported.

Note: Turn holidays on/off using My Preferences.
Basic and Enhanced