ShoortyLov's Trying To Conceive Wish
PAPA DIOS...PLS... GOD PLS let me pregnant. I'm supposed to have my period today...and I still have no signs but a bit of cramping..which is not usual cramping...Pretty pls lol. I have been trying to conceive for 3 years, have had 3 misscarriages and a blighted's been hard. My son is 9 years old next month..and we want our family to grow just a bit more before we get to old :-(
Pls wish me luck!
Baby dust to all of you!!!
Wish came true!
WOOOOHOOOO!!!! I'm sooo happy...I had a Positive pregnancy test at the ER yesterday 3/26. God pls let me continue with my pregnancy till the end and have a healthy baby. (since i have history of recurrent misscarriages) Baby Dust to you all!!!
- displays total support wishes