Printable BBT Fertility Charts
Here you'll find fertility charts which you can print out and use if you are charting your basal body temperature, cervical fluid, and other fertility signs manually. Download your free printable BBT Chart!
Fertility BBT Charts (Fahrenheit)
Fertility BBT Charts (Celsius)
Also try the Free BBT Chart at WhenMyBaby.com.
And, if you've taken your BBT earlier or later than usual, the Basal Body Temperature Correction Calculator will adjust your BBT based on your usual temperature time, so your BBT chart will be more accurate!
Want to instantly chart your fertility tracking data and see your fertility cycle patterns?
Enhanced Fertility's your free charting tool! Generates your BBT chart, shows both your follicular and luteal phase length and trends! Plus share your bbt charts in the BBT chart room, discuss with other TTC-ers, and more!
MyMonthlyCycles Free BBT Overlay Chart - easily compare your fertility cycles!