Moon Cycle Period Chart
See how often and when your periods align with the lunar phases (e.g. full moon, new moon). Chart for all tracked periods, or by cycle range.
Sample Moon Cycle Menstrual Period Chart
Chart non-lunar periods - Specify Yes to chart periods that do not start on a major moon phase,
In the sample chart above, the bar at far right shows a count of all non-lunar periods. Select No
to only chart periods coinciding with lunar cycle phases.
Sort Report By Period Date - A report will be displayed below the lunar chart with a list of your periods aligned to moon phases. Specify Yes to sort report by period date, or No to sort by lunar phase.
Sort Report By Period Date - A report will be displayed below the lunar chart with a list of your periods aligned to moon phases. Specify Yes to sort report by period date, or No to sort by lunar phase.