Peri-Menopause Tracker, Charting Tools

MyMonthlyCycles has many online and smartphone tools to track both perimenopause and menopause. To help you find the tools, below we've listed where each is located, along with its link.

Peri-Menopause Tracker and Charts Overview

Perimenopause and Menopause Tracker Tools

Perimenopause / Menopause ToolLocation / LinkNotes

Track Menstrual Cycles and Periods

Menstrual Calendar

You can also use the Period Tracker Calendar.

Menopause Counter

Menstrual Calendar
Period Tracker Calendar
My History Reports (Journal View)

These all show Cycle Day: how many days since your last menstrual period (LMP) started. If counter goes to CD 365, it is 1 year since LMP, considered menopause.

Track Menopause Symptoms

Menstrual Calendar
Go to My Events (click Edit in any date cell, or click Track Today). Then use Perimenopause Symptom Edit on My Events page.

You need to activate peri-menopause symptom tracking before using for the first time.

To activate, goto App Prefs and set Show Perimenopause Symptoms to Yes.

Perimenopause Journaling

(Hot Flash and Night Sweat log)

Menstrual Calendar
Goto My Events (click Edit in any date cell, or track today). Then use Journal Edit on My Events page.

You need to activate peri- menopause journaling before using for the first time.

To activate, goto App Prefs, set Show Perimenopause Symptoms to Yes.

Peri-Menopause Symptom Report

My History

Run the show history report: select display type Journal, and check Display Cycle Notes & Symptoms.

Peri-Menopause Hot Flash / Night Sweats Journal Report

Cycle History Reports

Run PeriMenopause Symptom Journal.

Also available on MyMonthlyCharts menu.

MyMonthlyCharts Period, Cycle, Flow Levels, Symptom Charts

MyMonthlyCharts Menu

Instantly transforms your tracking data into charts that show your menstrual cycle and associated cycle and menopausal symptom patterns.

Note: You need to be logged into your MyMonthlyCycles account to use all of the above tools.

Related: FAQ - How do I track My Perimenopause Symptoms?