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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Feb 27, 2012WantBabiesI'm sooo confused, why is my temp not rising like it should...152065
Feb 27, 2012jennyleeI'm very new to this chart sharing, so plz bare with me ladi...341966
Feb 23, 2012puttertat3rd cycle TTC after 2nd M/C, but can't tell when I "Oed"?? h...101990
Feb 21, 2012reevestx2My A1C was high last year, it was 6.4 which is just one poin...211864
Feb 20, 2012ImagineThought I'd relax a bit and didn't take temps this month but...01586
Feb 18, 2012AnneMarieMy first time charting.... not sure I estimated the ovulatio...21726
Feb 18, 2012letsmakeababyDr appt today (3/12) went well! 1st IUI is set for next mont...902699
Feb 18, 2012mamabear04Stopped taking prog only bc pill Nov 2011. Currently breastf...61566
Feb 17, 2012Ready2BMomBFN...have to take the next cycle off too :( Meet with RE in...112079
Feb 17, 2012ssbd4me111660
Feb 15, 2012stajames252053
Feb 13, 2012ThiaTested Saturday 9DPO ......243842
Feb 13, 2012sassy30hi can anyone tell me if i have ovulated going by my chart?...02667
Feb 8, 2012AnxiouslyTTC11553
Feb 7, 2012JoshsangelJust a over view after having a micarriage....22158
Feb 5, 2012KristynKFirst month of charting after some odd cycles....01434
Feb 4, 2012cborn78101770
Feb 4, 2012TorcorDid I O on CD18 or CD19?...42860
Feb 3, 2012jennylee01752
Feb 1, 2012mou02372
Jan 29, 2012ksteinmetzmonth 2 of being diagnosed with PCOS and taking Metformin an...22914
Jan 26, 2012PennyBananaClomid cycle #5 - going to take it easy this month. Doc kept...803223
Jan 25, 2012reevestx2Here we go again....... Never ending roll coaster :(...42501
Jan 24, 2012R4chelI thought this cycle would never end......312110
Jan 20, 2012WantBabiesTTC after Partial Molar Pregnancy...181856
Jan 19, 2012Ready2BMomBFN :(...122006
Jan 19, 2012letsmakeababyWell, another BFN! Moving on to Month 26 TTC!...452496
Jan 19, 2012stajamesI'M OUT!!! :( Not sure if I can keep doing this every month....302470
Jan 17, 2012ImagineAh well better get back on the horse...!...01527
Jan 16, 2012MrsCompassFirst IUI = BFP (ended in mc)...272185
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