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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Sep 10, 2011Ready2BMomDid O, but really short LP :(...172275
Sep 8, 2011ILHopeEverything is much better now!...1094405
Sep 7, 2011stajamesMy body is teasing me!! Slight rise in temp this morning....583053
Sep 6, 2011kmama4Next cycle ........32487
Sep 2, 2011Yadi1No clue what's going on...I guess I'm just waiting for AF. :...373686
Sep 1, 2011malottemama11937
Aug 31, 2011curiousGI'm taking a Break!...493700
Aug 31, 2011MrsCompassAfter taking a break - we're on it again!!!...81748
Aug 30, 2011curiousNot long to wait now.. I'm very excited - this will be th...282347
Aug 30, 2011JCC88...Didn't see AF coming so soon!! She's SUPER earlier. Here'...62526
Aug 30, 2011HopfulllittleTEWont Be able to TTC until after October due to my Hubby bein...51974
Aug 27, 2011jj83132179
Aug 26, 2011mickidiana31962
Aug 25, 2011AMG6040Not sure what is going on here...need some help!...33955
Aug 23, 2011AlainaExpecting AF any day now :(...11723
Aug 22, 2011AmandagrllWe saw our baby's heartbeat today! Our miracle baby, right w...364885
Aug 20, 2011Want2BeMommy342243
Aug 17, 2011Sam26Going through something awful......112164
Aug 17, 2011myladybugHmm Not sure what to think at this point?...502772
Aug 15, 2011WantBabiesHope this is the month! 1st cycle of Clomid. 11th cycle afte...151971
Aug 14, 2011Kimily02087
Aug 12, 2011stajamesI wish I could be positive about the temp jump but I slept h...312796
Aug 12, 2011reesa26did i ovulate yet...243370
Aug 11, 2011letsmakeababyWell, no luck this month...BFN :( Moving on to Month 21 of T...192322
Aug 11, 2011Tryingfor2nd17DPO???? negative test?????...191798
Aug 10, 2011Yadi1:"(...682546
Aug 8, 2011ILHopeAF has arrived...I just hope this is my last AF for a long t...172334
Aug 7, 2011bijoux01879
Aug 7, 2011Hopeful4BFPBFP, OMG I can't believe it ladies!!! In shock and so excite...726041
Aug 7, 2011mommiesomedayYeah, finally a fresh new cycle!!! Back to charting this tim...131857
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