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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Jan 10, 2018BlakeleyCycle 13 ttc baby 2...82835
Jan 8, 2018Surfete78TTC #2 cycle #2...111410
Dec 27, 2017Erika2742037
Dec 19, 2017KRTNot trying...32327
Dec 19, 2017Mokihana17Couldn?t chart first half of cycle because I forgot my therm...141369
Dec 11, 2017BlakeleyCycle 12 ttc baby 2...151511
Dec 9, 2017Surfete78Cycle #1 TTC #2...71390
Nov 18, 2017Erika2751376
Nov 16, 2017KRT31327
Nov 16, 2017Mokihana173rd month TTC #2...21328
Nov 15, 2017Blakeley#11 ttc baby 2...121512
Oct 20, 2017Erika2741833
Oct 17, 2017KRT61330
Oct 15, 2017LizzinatorCycle #7 TTC #1 Going to try progesterone cream in luteal ph...112577
Oct 14, 2017Blakeley#10 ttc baby2...31284
Oct 11, 2017TMHorsesTracking #85, getting discouraged....231804
Oct 10, 2017Mokihana172nd month TTC baby #2...01201
Sep 21, 2017Erika2711422
Sep 21, 2017NTNP01590
Sep 20, 2017LizzinatorTTC Month 6...11649
Sep 20, 2017TMHorsesTracking #84 We haven't gave up yet. Still trusting God and...01472
Sep 18, 2017KRT41336
Sep 17, 2017Blakeley#9 ttc baby2...61473
Sep 8, 2017Mokihana17First month TTC baby #2...01246
Sep 7, 2017Beachgirl8021645
Aug 28, 2017TMHorsesTracking #83 We haven't gave up yet. Still trusting God and...41406
Aug 24, 2017Lizzinator01193
Aug 21, 2017Erika2751404
Aug 21, 2017Gamze01605
Aug 17, 2017Blakeley#8 ttc baby 2...142007
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