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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Aug 5, 2017KRT151555
Aug 3, 2017TMHorsesTracking #82 We haven't gave up yet. Still trusting God and...71334
Aug 1, 2017Mokihana17stressful and anxiety filled month...01151
Jul 27, 2017Lizzinator01257
Jul 23, 2017Erika2791741
Jul 23, 2017Gamze01331
Jul 21, 2017Blakeley#7 ttc baby 2...91460
Jul 13, 2017babysky01663
Jul 9, 2017TMHorsesHere we go again, but this will be our first cycle started o...51366
Jul 8, 2017pmttcCycle #7 First time Temping...31559
Jul 3, 2017KRT101444
Jun 28, 2017Mokihana17first cycle after invasive open heart surgery...01079
Jun 25, 2017Gamze01105
Jun 23, 2017Blakeley6th cycle ttc #2...191650
Jun 23, 2017Erika2791466
Jun 16, 2017TMHorsesWell got through my hysterosalpingogram, tubes are open, fix...51274
Jun 9, 2017jennx81658
Jun 5, 2017KRT101430
May 25, 2017TMHorsesCycle #77 I think, been a long road....101358
May 24, 2017Erika273 chemical pregnancies in 1 year is getting to be too much....141431
May 17, 2017Blakeley5th month ttc #2. Chemical pregnancy last cycle...221738
May 2, 2017KRT171530
Apr 28, 2017c4urjoyPregnant with baby #7/3rd month on metformin for pcos and vi...01772
Apr 22, 2017Erika27Here we go again! Staying optimistc........191569
Apr 20, 2017britdiazBeen trying really hard for a few months...does any one have...31763
Apr 16, 2017Blakeley4th cycle ttc #2...182008
Apr 15, 2017cheetah01555
Mar 24, 2017Erika27121516
Mar 18, 2017BlakeleyCharting but not trying this month, want to avoid a xmas due...21531
Mar 12, 2017Surfete78Cycle 62... IUI#7 plus menopur= PREGNANT!!!!!!...422787
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