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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Mar 10, 2017KRTBoo...61573
Mar 3, 2017Gracelee51759
Feb 23, 2017Erika2781428
Feb 17, 2017Surfete78Cycle #61 :-/...81520
Feb 13, 2017Blakeley2nd month Trying for our 2nd child...121646
Feb 4, 2017Jennyleah32262
Jan 24, 2017Erika2771811
Jan 21, 2017Surfete78Cycle #60... the waiting continues...181748
Jan 14, 2017BlakeleyStarting to try for our 2nd child. If we fall pregnant this...111787
Jan 11, 2017curiousGLosing patience...173121
Jan 4, 2017KRT171991
Dec 27, 2016Surfete78Cycle #59.. will this ever happen?...181785
Dec 25, 2016Erika27Well, this month would bring the due date pretty darn close...251810
Dec 17, 2016SarahNew3031815
Dec 15, 2016curiousGTaking it easy...231750
Dec 15, 2016Jeny13#3rd month ttc....82522
Dec 15, 2016mamabear94So confussing...71857
Dec 2, 2016KRTOn to the next cycle...202043
Dec 2, 2016Surfete78Cycle #58...191728
Nov 28, 2016TMHorsesCycle #71. Hardest cycle ever as I'm losing my momma and I w...71650
Nov 23, 2016Erika27On to another month.....if this is my month then I am offici...361878
Nov 21, 2016Jennyleah141568
Nov 10, 2016curiousGHello Again...361969
Nov 5, 2016Surfete78Cycle #57...231896
Nov 5, 2016TMHorsesWell I haven't been on here for a while, but just maybe it's...171607
Oct 31, 2016KRTCycle...231929
Oct 24, 2016Erika27This is my 3rd month charting my BBT's. 1st month showed a L...592298
Oct 12, 2016curiousGI'm out...262000
Oct 9, 2016Surfete78Cycle 56... :-/ IUI #6...402044
Oct 2, 2016Neena06Coonnffuusseeddd why the rise?...522597
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