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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
May 27, 2009PreBabyPlannerI will try OPK this month to get the hang of it. Did some BB...211480
May 26, 2009winsome2nd round on Clomid - 5 days between LH surge and O both tim...01288
May 24, 2009MrsLizaDPMonth 4...11475
May 23, 2009lalakinsIs june the magic month i hope. :)...71487
May 23, 2009wishingforbaby41080
May 22, 2009gersuz7879Looks like I'm normalish again this first cycle after removi...141523
May 22, 2009coloradogirlOMG!!!! BFP!!!!!! AF was a false alarm apparently. CBE Digit...684291
May 22, 2009Tiffyk1980First month charting BBT. Also first month off BCP, so I am...101317
May 21, 2009bambam11My temps seem to br rising?, slight drop today, is this a go...21417
May 21, 2009lkk72not preggers, maybe next month!...11126
May 21, 2009Babyprayersfirst month away from acu...0916
May 21, 2009SMLStarting over... :(...31387
May 20, 2009maikaI'm having a very smooth upgoing chart but still too early.....91178
May 19, 2009loriann978Month #2...101544
May 19, 2009nickI miscarried may 19. I'm going to take some time off from te...151250
May 18, 2009mandy200401383
May 18, 2009curiousG2WW...Still waiting. Yeah for good LP!...451864
May 18, 2009Twinkles181681305
May 18, 2009EriksAJ3979
May 18, 2009KaleizaO'd and temping again... at least until AF shows. :)...782079
May 18, 2009Ajsmommytemp drop...AF must be on the way :-(...61371
May 17, 2009Yadi1Spotting on 9 DPO. Praying it's not AF this early....491986
May 16, 2009gladbagThird month on Clomid, preseed and possibly IUI this month,...231885
May 16, 2009SandiTUp at the top again!...51115
May 15, 2009Rungrl802nd month charting. 8th month TTC. Used IC but didn't get a...201520
May 15, 2009MrsSullI think after this cycle I am going to stop temping......81193
May 15, 2009michele6687So hoping May is our lucky month! A fresh start after miscar...91322
May 14, 2009steph910Cycle seems to be getting shorter. Off pill for 14 months, p...201336
May 13, 2009DamitaAt the top hopefully better luck this time....81286
May 12, 2009MahoganyluvYet another cycle...41641
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