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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Sep 28, 2008Thia28DPO & spotting. Please pray....933324
Sep 27, 2008Light11th month TTC. ARRGGGHHHH!!!! Short luteal phase. Dr wont r...271472
Sep 26, 2008babysiegel0700
Sep 25, 2008SandiTAnxiously awaiting...1st month of Clomid & Acupuncture...1946
Sep 25, 2008FawkesI have a feeling AF is on her way. I think its time to set u...592006
Sep 24, 2008prayers08111326
Sep 23, 2008SchatziBFP!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT STILL!...1093495
Sep 22, 2008azureblue298979
Sep 20, 2008TTC361392
Sep 18, 2008NikAnnI'm pretty sure I am not PG... but this month I will not be...121808
Sep 17, 2008SelmaThis has got to be the longest most ridiculous cycle every.....301527
Sep 17, 2008mommy2bAnother month.......91096
Sep 16, 2008KellyRHere we go again... Not surprising with the back injury, but...101292
Sep 15, 2008haigusHopefully 3rd times a charm!...131382
Sep 15, 2008BadgerMaca looks like it's working. Lots of EWCM. Fingers crossed...891970
Sep 14, 2008maika0879
Sep 14, 2008meridenmary9946
Sep 12, 2008LScottUterine Fibroids have taken over. Surgery comfirmed my worst...241208
Sep 12, 2008ThinkGirlLet me in the BFP chartroom please....891997
Sep 11, 2008Judith01169
Sep 10, 2008jendragIt is confirmed, I am pregnant!!...342770
Sep 10, 2008jinxThird and last round of clomid this month....221106
Sep 9, 2008svlasekSecond month charting for baby number 2 but not going to try...61204
Sep 9, 2008amyalice4th month of trying . . . and BFN :( so confused by the symp...81260
Sep 8, 2008Cindylujahround 3 w/ back 2 back IUI's &100 mg clomid. Chemical....281547
Sep 7, 2008MaliaI am just charting for now to see how my cycle behaves.. A b...151175
Sep 7, 2008XONORA5On to new cycle. See Dr on 22nd, which is day after I should...721780
Sep 6, 2008EriksAJIt's all up to Him......201313
Sep 5, 2008Hope4SonStarting another round of CLOMID!...421411
Sep 5, 2008Yadi1The dreaded 2WW!!...601944
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