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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Sep 3, 2008gracelandgirlI think I am a slow riser...191332
Sep 2, 2008babyache0791
Sep 2, 2008PCOSCysticFibrosisOk, so last cycle was a little weird. I'm not temping, but a...151560
Sep 1, 2008BabyprayersTFS said to continue herbs if I can handle the pain from the...0760
Aug 31, 2008TinkerYesterday BFN and today temp drop, the future is looking ble...8962
Aug 29, 2008Light10th month TTC still only 9 DPO's. Have decided to stop taki...411709
Aug 29, 2008sheemtWeird month,CD 19 and no ovulation took Clomid 100mg for day...81863
Aug 27, 2008prayers08131007
Aug 27, 2008FawkesWhen I wiped there was blood so now I'm just waiting for it...632055
Aug 26, 2008azureblue290848
Aug 26, 2008TOn 7-Time to call in the big guns!...682079
Aug 26, 2008SandiT0824
Aug 26, 2008TTC0894
Aug 25, 2008KaleizaWe have been ttc since Feb. 2008. I will be starting Clomid...0918
Aug 24, 2008babysiegel0659
Aug 22, 2008ThiaLate O & I am in it to WIN IT!...1492852
Aug 20, 2008LScottHere we go again...AF showed up early this morning....421525
Aug 20, 2008BadgerHere we go again......741822
Aug 20, 2008KellyR19985
Aug 19, 2008ThinkGirlNot TTC this month...851955
Aug 19, 2008LizasFinally! I go on my first appointment Oct. 3rd! For 12 weeks...72422
Aug 19, 2008mommy2bGood news: no blockages, I am ovulating & my reserve is good...191088
Aug 15, 2008NikAnnWe were on vacation in the Virginia mountains when AF decide...231546
Aug 15, 2008MoChart is crazy....562108
Aug 15, 2008SelmaStarted on Macca root today and DH started last week. hopefu...181283
Aug 14, 2008Babyprayersstarted Fertile Soul herbs, had bad reaction, new cyst forme...0735
Aug 13, 2008desperate81111
Aug 12, 2008haigus2nd round of clomid....hopefully this time it works!...51013
Aug 12, 2008XONORA5OK...here is new chart and hoping maybe the last. AF came a...531555
Aug 11, 2008jinxHere we go again, 5th chart! Hopefully 5 will be the lucky n...241448
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