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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
May 14, 2008AmyI know people were wondering where I was and if I gave up. N...131994
May 12, 2008Badger1st chart for 38yo...01028
May 8, 2008CindylujahTTC #2 I just started thyroid meds for Hashimoto's. DH is a...61350
May 7, 2008tagchart is looking better than last month!!!...261680
May 6, 2008Light6th Month TTC. Short # DPO's in last few cycle so taking vit...131438
May 5, 2008PCOSCysticFibrosis1st time tracking; decided it might be helpful after PCOS di...281331
May 4, 2008SelmaThis month i am going to try OPK and CM and CP if anyone has...422686
May 3, 2008LilineAnother big disappointment. DH bought MACA for us. We're goi...211767
May 3, 2008redsparklerAt least my cycles are regular and I can tell I am Oing. DH...301436
May 3, 2008cda0863
May 3, 2008Raquel121352
May 3, 2008EriksAJHere we go again! :-)...651992
May 2, 2008RayshineStarted Clomid for the first time. 11 months TTC now....391483
May 2, 2008KathleenTrying to get pregnant with PCOS, post pill...01150
May 1, 2008maui623May Chart...1791
May 1, 2008MoHas anyone ever missed their Ovulation Test surge? I got a l...91326
Apr 30, 2008NurseJenny790861
Apr 28, 2008ForwardtoFive0760
Apr 28, 2008PokeyFirst time charting, have been TTC for 8 months. My husband...11980
Apr 27, 2008TTC291448
Apr 26, 2008MorleyThis month I have been attempting to check my cervix and CM....101179
Apr 26, 2008agourmetgal2nd Month Charting; 16th Month TTC...201390
Apr 26, 2008T3rd chart! opks and MACA...262023
Apr 25, 2008sheemt1 yr TTC, 4 rounds of Clomid and just started on Glucophage...0769
Apr 25, 2008NissaLouTrying for a baby... Stopped taking BC June of last year.. s...81148
Apr 25, 2008tkc0861
Apr 24, 2008hopingIn the home stretch..........442353
Apr 24, 2008mommy2b1st chart after going off of the Nuva Ring....3889
Apr 24, 2008majestyBiphasic.. Temp drop @ ovulation and @ end of cycle.. Using...01173
Apr 23, 2008emelizabethAnother normal month. Not pregnant, not trying, just chartin...11140
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