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I'm Pregnant!
When you found out you were pregnant, how long did you wait until you told dad-to-be? How did you tell him and was he the first person you told? Did everyone react as you expected?

How I told my husband of our pregnancys

Posted by: Griof2 on Mon Dec 3, 2007
With both of my kids I kept my husband very informed. So with our first daughter we found out the day before our 6 month planned wedding. I told him that I thought I was pregnant he went and got the test and waited patiently after I took it. No joke only took 5 secs to show us that we were going to have a baby. I was already having "all day sickness" and could not eat anything at our wedding the next day. We didn't tell anyone for about 2 months after words. I didn't want everything to think we got married because of that. Most people didn't realize we had been planning our wedding for so long.
Our second child he actually told me, "hey honey you have been pretty sick lately you sure you aren't pregnant". Took the test and sure enough that was our little Sara. We told everyone after we found out we were so excited.
I can't wait for number 3. Hopefully some day soon and we have been trying for 6 months so he will know as soon as I do.
Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings


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