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I'm Pregnant!
When you found out you were pregnant, how long did you wait until you told dad-to-be? How did you tell him and was he the first person you told? Did everyone react as you expected?

DH thinks that the test is lying...

Posted by: punkiedog on Tue Mar 25, 2008
When I first found out I was pregnant, I immediately called my husband at work and told him to come home because I think that a pregnancy test came out positive. He hadn't a clue that I had bought a test so the phone call was a little bit of a shock. But he came home (it was 6pm he was merely working late for his own enjoyment since he loves to work). He came home and looked at hte test but since the positive line was lighter than the control line told me that I was crazy. five tests later he finally believed me. He was thrilled, but honestly very scared/shocked too. It all happened about a year sooner than we thought and he was worried about finances since we both wanted me to stay home when we did start a family. He was pretty much stressed through the entire pregnancy. And now he says that he can't wait for our second baby becuase he is ready to enjoy that pregnancy. As for our parents....we told them within two weeks....his parents guessed it when we made a surprise trip back mom screamed uncontrollably on the phone (very happy)....and my dad said "unbelievable" and soundn't a little disappointed. Even though I was 25 and out of law school and dad always envisioned me having a top notch the news of a grandbaby took him some adjusting. But for some reason when my brother announced two weeks later that they were pregnant, but dad warmed up to us being pregnant too. Other than that, the rest of our friends and family were thrilled but also surprised since we were just a year out of law school.
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings


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