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Mom and Intro to Periods
How would you say your mom did during your early period years? Exceptional job, making you feel comfortable with your period? Or could she have used some work in that department? Will you do things differently if you have a daughter?

I don't remember... sad?

Posted by: Karbeans on Thu Sep 11, 2008
When I got my first period I was getting ready for P.E. in 5th grade. We had just started the swimming curriculum. I stuffed my undies with toilet paper and told the teacher I didn't feel good. Lucky cause I was an overweight child and didn't want to be in a swimsuit in front of my peers.

I honestly can't remember how my mom handled it. I really want to know now.

I do remember that my aunt took my sister out for dinner and shopping on a day off from school because she was the first of all the cousins to get a visit from AF. I was jealous that I didn't get the same treatment.

I will be sure to do that if I ever have a daughter.

I absolutely HATED pads. Since my flow was always heavy it felt like wearing a diaper. I tried a tampon once and when I walked it was soooo uncomfortable. Obviously I figured out it wasn't in correctly. Once I got it right, I never looked back.
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