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Mom and Intro to Periods
How would you say your mom did during your early period years? Exceptional job, making you feel comfortable with your period? Or could she have used some work in that department? Will you do things differently if you have a daughter?

Either way, it was uncomfortable.

Posted by: AmbyScorp on Mon Sep 15, 2008
I guess I was sort of lucky, I started my period with my stepmom around. That was before she went all 'evil step mother' on me. She was so excited, and congratulated me. She was incredibly happy and kept reminding me how she didn't have a daughter, and I was the only daughter she's ever had. She was really loud and proud about it.

The first time I had my period with my mom around, well that was more embarrassing, and made me feel horrible because she didn't have her period for years, since I was a lot younger. I yelled to her that I had started from my seat upon the throne, and she came to the door, and uncaringly asked me what she was supposed to do about it. Since it was only the second or third time ever that I had my period, and I was only 12, I certainly didn't know what to do. My mom never was the nurturing type.

When I have daughters I plan to explain as much as possible to them when they ask. I want them to have the Diva Cup, because I've found that it is IMMENSELY better than pads or tampons. Plus I'm a pro-environment chick. Anything that doesn't add to the landfills is great in my book. I hope that I can be really close with all my kids, especially my girls, and I want to make sure that they are comfortable with becoming women because it is important for self-esteem, and development.
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