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I'm Pregnant!
When you found out you were pregnant, how long did you wait until you told dad-to-be? How did you tell him and was he the first person you told? Did everyone react as you expected?

Try try try again

Posted by: EllieAndSamsMom on Wed Mar 4, 2009
In August of 2005 I was told I may never concive on my own, this was after 2 years of trying. Well on December 14th I decided to go to a clinic and have a pregnancy test done "just for fun", I had given up on ever conciving and wouldn't you know the test showed positive!! I was in complete shock! My husband and I at the time were just "roomates" so he was VERY scraed and had mix emotions, we even seperated and rarely spoke, I hadn't seen him for 7 months but he came to watch the birth of our daughter, he was the first to hold her and the rest is history, he can't imagin life with out our little girl. My family at first was not happy, but it never mattered to me. Neither was his family, now everyone is.

With out second daughter we were married and our oldest was turning one, I thought I was pregnant in late July of 2007 but my husband sore it was me trying to get out of seeing the dentist, so to prove him wrong I bought an expensive test and it was negitive. So I had the dental work done, and two weeks later just to see how he would react I asked him to pick up a pregnancy test from the dollor store, I went in the bathroom expecting it to be negitive and sure enough it was positive, I ran back out and told him. Once again he was very scared, he had just gotten laid off and I was a stay at home mom, we live in a small town where jobs are hard to find. Our family was happy but scared for us as well. We werent on birth control because my doctor refused to put me on them until he figured out my head aches, I don't regret getting pregnant with either on, and I was very excited for both. My husband is a very practical person so it's hard for him to get excited over things when they cost money (especially in today's economy). Now he loves his little girls with everything in him, and is a very hands on dad, it's very funny to think back to when he didn't want kids :)

Now we are trying to concive #3, we are both working this time and have our bases covered.
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