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TTC - To Say or Say Not?
While Trying to Conceive, have you found others (even people you barely know) asking prying questions or offering unsolicited advice? Do you think they mean well and just don't think, or are they being meddling and/or on the rude side? Do you respond, ignore it, brew over it all night...?

TTC so soon after having a baby!

Posted by: Broody24 on Wed Feb 24, 2010
So I have 2 kids. My son is 5 and my daughter is 9 months old. My partner and I are hoping to have at least 2 more children. We thought we were expecting again as I was late, But the test was negative and AF finally showed 3 days late. We were actually disappointed about that and we talked about having another. So we are hoping that within the year or next, we will get pregnant. Anyway people think its crazy to start trying so soon after having a baby and some of my family go on and on about birth control and how you don't want to be stuck with kids so close in age etc.. Children are a blessing and they don't stay young forever. I hate feeling stupid now because I am so crazy for another one and when I do fall pregnant with #3 I will actually dread to tell people as I know the reaction will be ''Already'' or something like that. Please tell me I am not the only one with friends and family that have such negative talk..

Sorry for the ramble but I just needed to get that off my chest..
Overall Relate Rating: 6 Ratings


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