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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Nov 27, 2012MnemesCatStarting Letrozole @ 5 mg/day, days 3-7. I also have progest...42301
Nov 26, 2012ashora21914
Nov 24, 2012Candicegaud01414
Nov 20, 2012AnneMarieFinal cycle in my first year of TTC. Hoping to get one of th...161922
Nov 20, 2012R5TReally a bfp! Really!...633985
Nov 18, 2012mommiesomedayWell yet another heartbreak and disappointment. Went in for...442237
Nov 17, 2012bdhEverything is looking good... do you think this could be con...272053
Nov 16, 2012PrayingHoping361933
Nov 5, 2012puttertat6th cycel since my 3rd M/C. It's gotta happen sometime right...382290
Nov 4, 2012Surfete78The 2 Week Wait Begins :)...301942
Oct 31, 2012Tiki01319
Oct 31, 2012letsmakeababyToday marks the start of our 3rd year of TTC! Can't believe...82384
Oct 29, 2012Candicegaud01258
Oct 28, 2012bdhjust starting to chart but I am confused to when O is suppos...91798
Oct 28, 2012hopingBIG temp drop but no AF yet....UGH!!!! i wish it would just...221912
Oct 24, 2012PennyBananaBFP!!!BFP!!!BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...1134562
Oct 24, 2012R5TIts going to happen this month, everyone is being positive s...211924
Oct 21, 2012babytime2nd try of charting bbt!...52418
Oct 18, 2012AnneMarieOk, last cycle before I talk to my doctor next month. Hopefu...101703
Oct 17, 2012ImagineUndergoing tests over next month then gotta wait 3 months fo...81779
Oct 17, 2012dnrbabyTTC #10 baby dreams every night!...32333
Oct 15, 2012mommiesomedayAlright ladies!! Finally got my appointment set for an actua...131969
Oct 6, 2012puttertatI will have another baby! Let's make it happen this month!...252203
Oct 5, 2012PrayingHopingFirst month officially TTC...01691
Oct 5, 2012MnemesCatClomid (Serophene) cycle #6: days 5-9 @ 200 mg/day. Only one...31900
Oct 4, 2012babydustplzCycle #10 trying for baby #2. Seeing naturopath, getting acu...62308
Oct 3, 2012letsmakeababyMonth 35 TTC...back to BBT charting. Still fundraising and s...71943
Sep 30, 2012Candicegaud01338
Sep 26, 2012PennyBananaTTC Month #24. First month with IVF....101911
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