MyMonthlyCycles Site Map
Use MyMonthlyCycles free online and smartphone trackers: period tracker, daily fertility tracker, cycle and PMS symptom tracker, peri-menopause tracker, feminine health signs tracker, weight tracker, and more.
MyMonthlycycles has dozens of free period, pregnancy, and fertility calculators to forecast and predict menstruation, ovulation and fertile days; menstrual cycle history reports, period and fertility charts; And period, ovulation and women's health reminders.
Home Page
MyMonthlyCycles Home Page, with an intro to its many monthly cycle trackers, latest poll, featured cycle calculators.
Join MyMonthlyCycles to use many of our free member menstrual and fertility trackers and charting tools. (Note: many calculators do not require login.)
Login Page
Login to MyMonthlyCycles to track and chart your monthly cycles.
Forgot Your Password or Id
Available from login page, use this link if you have forgotten your account password or member id.
Menstrual & Fertility Calendar
Displays the menstrual cycle and fertility tracking calendar, where you can review your monthly menstrual and fertility cycle events for any selected month, or add/change monthly cycle data. Use the calendar to track your periods, menstrual and PMS symptoms, basal body temperature, weight, non-menstrual and mid-cycle spotting, daily journal notes, doctor's appointments, and more.
Cycle Tracking Tips
Information and tips related to using MyMonthlyCycles menstrual and fertility calendar, including a complete discussion on average menstrual cycle length.
Period Tracker
The period tracker calendar provides a simple way to track each day of your period! Perfect for tracking your current period, or if you are new to MyMonthlyCycles and want to quickly record your past periods. To track more about your menstrual cycle, use our complete menstrual calendar, outlined just above. Requires Login.
Period Tracker FAQs
FAQs for tracking your periods (and other events in your monthly cycle) using MyMonthlyCycles Period Tracker Calendar and Menstrual Cycle Calendar.
PMS Tracker
Track dozens of cycle symptoms related to Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Generate PMS symptom diary. PMS symptom charts available using MyMonthlyCharts.
Perimenopause Tracker and Journal
MyMonthlyCycles has a complete set of free interactive tools to track both perimenopause and menopause.
Pregnancy Tracker Calendar
Track your pregnancy using MyMonthlyCycles free pregnancy tracker calendar. Track your daily pregnancy symptoms and weight changes, keep a pregnancy journal, add OB/Gyn doctor's appointments. Pregnancy dashboard automatically calculates baby's estimated due date and more. Includes free pregnancy charts: pregnancy weight chart, pregnancy symptom chart. Requires Login.
Pregnancy Calendar and Charts FAQs
FAQs for tracking and charting your pregnancy using MyMonthlyCycles Pregnancy Tracker.
All MyMonthlyCycles Trackers
Quick links to MyMonthlyCycles trackers, including period tracker, fertility tracker, weight tracker, feminine protection tracker, feminine health symptom tracker, breast self exam tracker, perimenopause journaling.
Menstrual and Fertility Reminders
Setup free automated email reminders to alert you about important events in your monthly menstrual cycle: your menstrual period may be late, your period is about to start, schedule your annual gynecologist appointment, perform a breast-self exam, ovulation reminder, fertile days reminder, weight reminder, and more. Many reminders can be automatically triggered based on your menstrual tracking history. Requires Login.
Menstrual Cycle History Reports (Cycle History)
Review your monthly menstrual cycle and fertility cycle history, using a variety of report and chart formats, including:
- Monthly Cycle History Reports (requirese login)
- Find and view cycle notes for tracked cycle events (requirese login)
- Calendar Markers and Appointments Report
- Period days trend chart
- Chart cervical fluid fertility signs
- Cervical fluid overlay chart
- BBT chart with overlay option
- Menstrual cycle chart wheel
- Weekly and monthly weight chart
PMS, menstrual cycle, perimenopause symptom charting
See below for more symptom charts.
Settings Menu (Me)
Available after login, the Settings menu (link top of MyMonthlyCycles page) has:
- My Account
Review or change your MyMonthlyCycles account information. Requires Login
. - App Preferences
Set a variety of preferences for using MyMonthlyCycles trackers and calculators. Requires Login.
Menstrual Cycle Polls
A large collection of monthly cycle related polls: period polls, menstrual cycle polls, getting pregnant polls and more.
Member Polls
Polls created by members in a variety of monthly cycle related cateogries: ovulation polls, fertility and conception polls, periods polls, baby name polls, and more.
Cycle Quizzes
Period quizzes, fertility quizzes - test your cycle IQ!
Menstrual Cycle Glossary A to Z
A comprehensive glossary with terms and definitions pertaining to menstruation and fertility.
Fertility Abbreviations
Fertility and menstrual cycle acronyms and abbreviations.
All Reminders
MyMonthlyCycles menstrual cycle and period alerts, fertility reminders.
All Calculators
Links to all of the free MyMonthlyCycles menstrual, fertility, pregnancy and weight calculators, many outlined below.
Menstrual Period Calculator
Use the menstrual cycle calculator to predict your future menstruation dates, and to see if your menstrual period is late. The menstrual calculator can predict menstrual periods based on your menstrual cycle tracking history (at least 2 menstrual periods must be stored), or you can use Quick Menstrual Calculate where you supply the parameters (last menstrual period date and menstrual cycle length).
Period Calculator, Pregnancy Test Calculator
Use your ovulation date to get a more precise forecast of when yor next period will start and, optionally, time-line when to take home pregnancy tests.
Ovulation Calculator Calendar
Forecasts your approximate ovulation date and fertile days. The ovulation calculator is intended for use by those with regular menstrual cycles.
How the Ovulation Calculator Works
Describes how MyMonthlyCycles Ovulation Calendar works.
Ovulation Prediction Tests and Fertility Charting
Information on Ovulation Prediction Kits, Saliva Ferning Microscopes, Fertility Monitors, and the Fertility Awareness Method.
Rhythm Method Calculator Calendar
Period and PMS Calculator
Calculate your periods based on varying menstrual cycle lengths and start dates, and include PMS days on your period calendar based on when PMS symptoms usually start prior to your period.
Pregnancy Calculators
Pregnancy Calculator based on last menstrual period (LMP) or conception date
Reverse Pregnancy Calculator, Baby Planner
Retro Conception Calculator
Pregnancy Length Calculator
Calculates actual pregnancy length, compares to estimated due date.
Birthstone Calculator
Calculates birthstone for any birth date, with birthstone chart.
Birth Flower Calculator
Calculates birth flower for any birth date, with birth flower chart.
Zodiac Calculator
Calculates birthday zodiac sign.
Age Calculator
Generates age clock chart based on projected life expectancy.
Generation Calculator
Calculates generation based on birth year or age.
Trying To Conceive Calculator
Calculate time to get pregnant.
Menstrual Planning Calculator
Forecasts if you'll get your period on a date you are planning.
Daily Symptom & Fertility Forecast
Shows your daily cycle forecast, including if today is a fertile day. The symptom calculator forecasts what symptoms might occur today based on your menstrual and PMS symptoms on this cycle day in the past.
BMI Calculator
Body Mass Index Weight Calculator
Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator
Calculates body type based on waist to hip ratio.
Luteal Phase Calculator
Calculate your luteal phase length for any of your menstrual cycles.
Chinese Gender Calculator
Time-out with this entertaining calculator and see if it correctly predicts your gender, your baby's, anyone's! And vote on its accuracy!
Menstrual Period TimeSpan Calculator
Calculates approximately how many periods have you've had, and how many more you might get (factoring in pregnancy) from now until menopause.
Trying to Conceive Time Calculator
Calculate how long you've been trying to conceive, both time-wise and in cycles, and optionally project total conception time.
Is My Period Late Calculator
Check if your period is late, and, if late, how late.
Next Menstrual Period, Pregnancy Test Calculator
More precise forecast of when your next period will start, based on when you ovulated; optionally, timelines when to take home pregnancy tests.
Baby Planner By Zodiac
See conception dates for any zodiac sign.
Baby Name Finder, Trends, Charts
MyMonthlyCycles Tour
Share your cycle views on a wide variety of monthly cycles topics, including fertility and conception, pregnancy tests, birth control, feminine protection and cycle and getting pregnant issues.
Fertility Chart Gallery
View fertility charts, basal body temperature charts. Find BBT charts matching fertility and ovulation cycle signs tagged by chart owners.
MyMonthlyCycles Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
FAQs for using MyMonthlyCycles period tracker, and fertility tracker, including how to track monthly cycle events, PMS and perimenopause symptoms.
Downloadable Fertility Charts
Fertility chart which you can print out for charting your basal body temperature (BBT), cervical fluid, and other fertility signs manually.
Perimenopause Journaling
Keep an ongoing, detailed peri-menopause symptom tracking journal, including hot flash diary and night sweats log.
Online and smartphone menstrual cycle charts, cycle statistics, period charts, cycle symptom charts, PMS symptom charting, peri-menopause symptom charting, weight charts, feminine protection usage charts, downloadable menstrual cycle period notepads.
Enhanced Fertility Charting
Online and smartphone fertility charts: BBT Charting, Fertility Cycle Report with Stats, Luteal Phase Length and Follicular Phase Length Comparison Chart, Daily Fertility Signs Report, plus downloadable night table fertility notepad.