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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Aug 6, 2011kmama4Going to try the shettles method for having a boy FX...81906
Aug 6, 2011PennyBananaTaking the month off due to very late O expected. Starting C...101864
Aug 6, 2011Ready2BMomWe are giving up on this cycle...onto Provera again. :(...162373
Aug 4, 2011JCC88TWW..COME ON BFP!...71896
Aug 4, 2011curiousFirst time tracking BBT chart....41669
Aug 3, 2011strugglingmum2bBFP finally. I got another line today so guess it is correct...314299
Aug 3, 2011Ambrose42423
Aug 1, 2011Jeannie51614
Jul 30, 2011AmandagrllNo more OPKS! Throwing caution to the wind! Let's see what h...141884
Jul 29, 2011curiousG:( :(...682656
Jul 29, 2011KES22Month Number 3 Here we Go!...82809
Jul 29, 2011denegCan anyone help?? My temps are weird. I think I have ovulate...12193
Jul 27, 2011ChrisD1975I have no idea what to think right now..... argh... :/...262684
Jul 26, 2011MzluvlyBFN!!!! Im so crushed!!! IUI didn't work this cycle after th...112723
Jul 20, 2011HopfulllittleTEI think this will be my last month... I cant do this anymore...252314
Jul 19, 2011AlainaShorter cycle than the last one; still BFN...01480
Jul 18, 2011Yadi1AF will be showing any day now......722781
Jul 17, 2011myladybugUgggg I think I'm out this month :(...242250
Jul 16, 2011stajamesCramping...AF should start today....121907
Jul 14, 2011letsmakeababyBFN again! Starting month 20 TTC! On a happier note I've los...172256
Jul 14, 2011Want2BeMommy91764
Jul 11, 2011SMU2000Fisrt cycle after miscarriage...not sure how to read my temp...52437
Jul 11, 2011katherinaK32 weeks pregnant, expecting a girl on April 16th. Everythin...1105570
Jul 9, 2011ILHopeAF has arrived, so I am now ready to start really trying aga...202031
Jul 8, 2011strugglingmum2bTrying hard to keep the faith but looks like AF is around th...91788
Jul 8, 2011AmandagrllTrying to keep the faith but it is getting harder every day!...151779
Jul 8, 2011curious01366
Jul 7, 2011kmama4Ahhhh im so confused! Still neg pregnancy test but no AF .....152184
Jul 6, 2011Ready2BMomBlood work done to confirm O and it came back confirmed! So...141972
Jul 5, 2011Hopeful4BFPFeeling crampy, guess AF is around the corner. Grrr. Hey wha...342287
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