Fertility Chart Gallery

Chart Date | Owner | Chart Description | Posts | Views |
Oct 22, 2010 | natasa981 | Natally,age 28, ttc 6 months,first month of BBT charting,no... | 3 | 1983 |
Oct 22, 2010 | darkfeary474 | just started charting... | 0 | 1898 |
Oct 22, 2010 | TTCWIUI | 1 | 2000 | |
Oct 21, 2010 | BabyJ1111 | 2 | 1870 | |
Oct 21, 2010 | Ammari | Onto cycle #8...and a surprise BFP!!!... | 62 | 5586 |
Oct 20, 2010 | Sam26 | Hubby will be away almost all the time. Feeling a little bit... | 0 | 1358 |
Oct 19, 2010 | Tonyap | Here we go! HSG this month then TTC!!! YAY! Come on eggie co... | 86 | 3781 |
Oct 19, 2010 | adamsmom6 | I had a D and C on 28th, Ovulation on 30th acording to opk d... | 13 | 1757 |
Oct 18, 2010 | MmeBelle | I'm being actively hopeful, which is all I can do, really. H... | 2 | 1994 |
Oct 18, 2010 | sperry6609 | Please get back to normal.. :(... | 19 | 2293 |
Oct 15, 2010 | ttc072008 | Here's to month 7!! Trying to stay positive and not stress :... | 27 | 2222 |
Oct 15, 2010 | lustrae | Cycle 18: Second IUI with Femara this month. My birthday fal... | 29 | 2244 |
Oct 14, 2010 | fimiller | first month of charting. only got the thermometer half way t... | 2 | 1756 |
Oct 14, 2010 | IrishEyes | 0 | 1413 | |
Oct 14, 2010 | Carianne | Think we will be giving trying a miss this cycle. Poor bubba... | 8 | 1889 |
Oct 14, 2010 | babykim | I have no idea when my ovulation date is..... | 5 | 1713 |
Oct 11, 2010 | gorditahermosa | 3 | 1999 | |
Oct 10, 2010 | Mzluvly | My temps are all over the place and I'm losing it. lol. Supp... | 35 | 2337 |
Oct 10, 2010 | BSmith1975 | Here's to our 2nd cycle of trying for a baby. We didn't get... | 27 | 2690 |
Oct 10, 2010 | amy22 | First round of clomid on CD 5-9, used clear blue easy monito... | 3 | 4484 |
Oct 9, 2010 | sissi | started on Clomid 50ml this month. temps are all over the pl... | 16 | 2165 |
Oct 9, 2010 | RebeccaK | 2nd month TTC for us. We need to conceive quickly so that I... | 3 | 1735 |
Oct 7, 2010 | MeliBelly | When do you think I ovulated? CD 13 fertility monitor said "... | 4 | 1791 |
Oct 7, 2010 | SkaggsMomma | 6 | 1788 | |
Oct 5, 2010 | H0PEFUL | Married for about a year. Been trying to conceived for about... | 8 | 2150 |
Oct 4, 2010 | kaylah18 | 9th cycle off BC Pill... | 9 | 2479 |
Oct 2, 2010 | babybe | 2nd month TTC...... | 15 | 2662 |
Oct 2, 2010 | pink60schick | Not really goin out of our way to try at the minute, still w... | 5 | 1700 |
Oct 2, 2010 | LMCUK | 1 | 1541 | |
Oct 2, 2010 | kenade | 7 | 2045 |
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