Fertility Chart Gallery
Chart Date | Owner | Chart Description | Posts | Views |
Sep 18, 2016 | KRT | 5th cycle post op- with natural supplements & possibly HSG... | 48 | 2549 |
Sep 17, 2016 | Surfete78 | Cycle #55 :-)... | 21 | 1904 |
Sep 16, 2016 | Erika27 | Here's to another month....... | 68 | 2390 |
Sep 13, 2016 | curiousG | Hoping for my rainbow... | 27 | 2080 |
Sep 8, 2016 | Neena06 | New to charting/tracking... | 10 | 1509 |
Aug 24, 2016 | KRT | 4th cycle post myomectomy... | 7 | 1585 |
Aug 21, 2016 | Surfete78 | Cycle #54... | 7 | 1699 |
Aug 19, 2016 | Erika27 | First month of charting my bbt. Trying to figure out if/when... | 25 | 1740 |
Aug 19, 2016 | cycle1 | Long cycles... | 5 | 2208 |
Aug 16, 2016 | curiousG | I don't know what to say... | 32 | 1994 |
Aug 9, 2016 | Jennyleah | 15 | 1852 | |
Jul 31, 2016 | TMHorses | Instead of cycle #, it's more like...what year are we on TTC... | 10 | 1665 |
Jul 26, 2016 | KRT | 3rd cycle post myomectomy... | 5 | 1577 |
Jul 24, 2016 | Surfete78 | Cycle #53... | 4 | 1738 |
Jul 19, 2016 | curiousG | Here I am again... | 26 | 1894 |
Jul 14, 2016 | Jennyleah | Mommy of 2 beautiful boys and knowing there is something mis... | 15 | 1942 |
Jul 9, 2016 | TMHorses | Sometimes we just don't understand, but we keep trying anywa... | 22 | 1868 |
Jul 7, 2016 | cycle1 | Thought we had it last cycle. May have been a chemical. Onto... | 0 | 1526 |
Jun 27, 2016 | Surfete78 | Cycle 52...... | 16 | 1741 |
Jun 21, 2016 | curiousG | Aaand at the beginning again... | 34 | 2273 |
Jun 19, 2016 | Jennyleah | I'm a Stay @ Home Mommy of 2 Lil boys and currently TTC our... | 34 | 1908 |
Jun 17, 2016 | KRT | 2nd cycle post myomectomy... | 4 | 1627 |
Jun 16, 2016 | TMHorses | TTC for like the 100th or more time. Please Lord, we would l... | 41 | 2029 |
Jun 5, 2016 | CrossYourFingers | This is Cycle 5: First cycle trying a little temp-ing and us... | 11 | 2634 |
May 31, 2016 | Surfete78 | Cycle #51..... | 9 | 1742 |
May 25, 2016 | TMHorses | Praying that this cycle God will bless us with a BFP. Prayin... | 73 | 2132 |
May 24, 2016 | curiousG | Cycle 2 after IVF...... | 53 | 2277 |
May 20, 2016 | Jennyleah | 60 | 2008 | |
May 17, 2016 | KRT | Post lapramotomy myomectomy... | 6 | 1589 |
May 6, 2016 | Surfete78 | Cycle #50... | 28 | 1948 |
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