Baby Names Length Stats
Shortest, longest, average baby name length in the past 100+ years. Plus most popular girl/boy names by name length...
Baby Name FYI: The average baby name length is six letters!
6 Letter Names | |
Name | Total |
Sandra | 871,275 |
Ashley | 793,284 |
Amanda | 762,405 |
Sharon | 717,230 |
Angela | 646,636 |
Brenda | 598,572 |
Pamela | 591,956 |
Nicole | 560,135 |
Rachel | 533,733 |
Martha | 513,758 |
6 Letter Names | |
Name | Total |
Robert | 4,785,172 |
Joseph | 2,592,502 |
Thomas | 2,296,108 |
Daniel | 1,948,761 |
Donald | 1,409,921 |
George | 1,388,476 |
Andrew | 1,303,975 |
Steven | 1,288,256 |
Edward | 1,253,360 |
Joshua | 1,233,155 |
*Total - This number represents the total babies being given this name since 1900.