Baby Names Length Stats
Shortest, longest, average baby name length in the past 100+ years. Plus most popular girl/boy names by name length...
Baby Name FYI: The average baby name length is six letters!
9 Letter Names | |
Name | Total |
Elizabeth | 1,452,222 |
Stephanie | 713,451 |
Catherine | 611,221 |
Christine | 575,506 |
Katherine | 571,215 |
Christina | 459,091 |
Josephine | 263,027 |
Charlotte | 250,569 |
Geraldine | 204,176 |
Alexandra | 183,460 |
9 Letter Names | |
Name | Total |
Alexander | 713,470 |
Christian | 442,062 |
Nathaniel | 279,219 |
Frederick | 255,616 |
Sebastian | 198,891 |
Alejandro | 141,814 |
Francisco | 138,974 |
Johnathan | 96,020 |
Salvatore | 56,556 |
Sylvester | 39,011 |
*Total - This number represents the total babies being given this name since 1900.