Baby Names Length Stats
Shortest, longest, average baby name length in the past 100+ years. Plus most popular girl/boy names by name length...
Baby Name FYI: The average baby name length is six letters!
8 Letter Names | |
Name | Total |
Patricia | 1,565,271 |
Jennifer | 1,435,717 |
Margaret | 1,169,023 |
Kimberly | 793,763 |
Michelle | 779,323 |
Kathleen | 703,135 |
Virginia | 632,688 |
Samantha | 473,315 |
Victoria | 400,612 |
Brittany | 349,893 |
8 Letter Names | |
Name | Total |
Nicholas | 915,540 |
Jonathan | 859,220 |
Benjamin | 793,454 |
Lawrence | 451,901 |
Theodore | 286,221 |
Clarence | 280,025 |
Jeremiah | 215,246 |
Clifford | 180,928 |
Mitchell | 162,620 |
Franklin | 137,566 |
*Total - This number represents the total babies being given this name since 1900.