Baby Names Length Stats
Shortest, longest, average baby name length in the past 100+ years. Plus most popular girl/boy names by name length...
Baby Name FYI: The average baby name length is six letters!
10 Letter Names | |
Name | Total |
Jacqueline | 400,423 |
Marguerite | 81,170 |
Alexandria | 75,421 |
Antoinette | 75,006 |
Bernadette | 50,204 |
Earnestine | 15,110 |
Evangeline | 10,232 |
Wilhelmina | 7,882 |
Alexandrea | 6,090 |
Alessandra | 5,922 |
10 Letter Names | |
Name | Total |
Kristopher | 62,209 |
Maximilian | 21,557 |
Cristopher | 9,955 |
Alessandro | 9,126 |
Alexzander | 5,766 |
Kristoffer | 2,606 |
Christoper | 1,421 |
Washington | 566 |
Montgomery | 492 |
Wellington | 484 |
*Total - This number represents the total babies being given this name since 1900.