Baby Names Length Stats
Shortest, longest, average baby name length in the past 100+ years. Plus most popular girl/boy names by name length...
Baby Name FYI: The average baby name length is six letters!
4 Letter Names | |
Name | Total |
Mary | 3,872,045 |
Lisa | 959,324 |
Ruth | 775,136 |
Anna | 723,071 |
Emma | 561,867 |
Joan | 476,793 |
Jean | 452,135 |
Rose | 440,160 |
Sara | 390,197 |
Judy | 378,817 |
4 Letter Names | |
Name | Total |
John | 4,987,422 |
Paul | 1,381,083 |
Mark | 1,355,688 |
Ryan | 953,534 |
Gary | 900,199 |
Eric | 884,325 |
Jack | 730,232 |
Jose | 580,705 |
Adam | 569,792 |
Carl | 490,237 |
*Total - This number represents the total babies being given this name since 1900.