Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Are you dealing with heavy periods, irregular
cycles, Endometriosis, Fibroids, PCOS, anovulatory cycles or other gynecological issues? How does it impact your day to day? What treatment has your doctor
given you? Has it resolved the problem?
Posted by:
on Sep 23, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Having Fibriods and Endometriosis and Conceived
I've had painful fibroids as well as endometriosis since I was 14 and I am now 30. I've had the endometriosis tissue burned out and I have also had a fallopian tube removed. I had been trying to conceive for about 10 years. I am happy to say that even with my fibroids I got pregnant last year and had my son this year. He will be 3 months on tomorrow. It is possible to get pregnant with Fibroids....Also my sister is pregnant and is due in January. She found out that she had 10 fibroids when she went to her prenatal. appt. she is down to about 5 fibroids because they have broken up, but you can get pregnant. She had only been trying for 3 years.
Posted by:
on Aug 21, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Cysts covering ovaries and PCOS
I have been diagnosed with PCOS, when I was trying to conceive, my doctors told me that I may have a hard time. 3 months after going off of birth control, I got pregnant! My husband and I are so thankful for our healthy, beautiful son! We have always wanted at least one more and now I am having trouble because I have large cysts (6 and 8 cm) over my ovaries.
I am supposed to have a surgery to have them removed and my doctor is telling me that if he can't get my cysts to stop bleeding during the surgery, he may have to remove my ovaries. I am so scared because I feel like my chances of a bigger family are going to be taken away! I am just hoping that everything goes well and we can have as many children as we desire! I am wondering if other women have been in my same situation and what the outcome of their experiences were.
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Posted by:
on Jul 9, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Fibriod, 32 yrs old, TTC, help im scared
After years of telling doctors what my periods are like (2 weeks of PMS and horrible cramps) they finally did a vaginal/pelvic ultrasound and found a fibroid in the front uterine wall. It is 1.7 x 1 cm.
The things I'm reading are so scary. I don't have any kids and I definitely want one. I TTC'ed for about 5 months this year with no luck. I'm 32 1/2 and feel like my biological clock is running out fast.
Does anyone know if a fibroid within the uterine wall can be removed (myomectomy)?
I have an appointment with a gyno...who is a D.O. and not an M.D. I did a little research on this and it seemed like the DO was fine.
What is the doctor likely to do? If it is operable will I have to take hormones before the surgery.
Any help would be tremendously appreciated. I feel so alone. My appointment is in 7 days, which I know is a short time but I really wish that there was someone who could help.
The receptionist on the phone at my internal medicine doctor basically said "honey, if they aren't outside the uterus they can't operate unless its a hysterectomy." Which of course sends me on a downward spiral. I know I shouldn't be listening to her as she isn't a doctor.
I'm trying to have hope.
Posted by:
on May 20, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Endometriosis, Miscarriages and TTC
I'm 28 and had a c-section 2.5 years ago, since that time I have had nausea and pain, especially when I ovulate. About six months ago, I found a lump on my right side which turned out to be an endometrioma. Apparantly when I had my c-section some endometrial tissue ended up outside my uterus. I had surgery to have it removed and was told it could be a one time thing, but low and behold it's not. I just saw my doctor again and his time I have an endometrioma on my left ovary. So I officially have endometriosis now, and it's pretty terrible, I have uncomfortable symptoms daily. I have also had two miscarriages in the past nine months. Anyone have any experience with endometriosis as well as trying to conceive? It appears my problem isn't getting pregnant, it's sustaining a pregnancy. I see my doctor in a week to discuss things. I really want to have another baby, and want the doctor to take my concerns seriously right away. Two miscarriages have left me devastated.
Posted by:
on Apr 11, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Pcos...started Metformin, anyone on it?
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 2 yrs.I was recently diagnosed with Pcos it has giving us a little faith knowing there is a chance for us to still have children.Dr started me on metformin anyone on it ??? how long does it take to actually work ?? Has anyone got pregnant off of it ???
Please if anyone has been in the sameboat and has some answers to my ? i would greatly appreciate your feedback
Posted by:
on Mar 30, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
needs help
I have endometriosis and PCOS, I am currently taking Metformin. Is it still possible for me to become pregnant? I know that while taking Metformin you can get pregnant but I am not sure if i can taking it and having endometriosis .