Cycle Perplexities
Is your cycle misbehaving? Like your
usual N-day menstrual cycle is all of a sudden
longer or shorter, or you're spotting where AF should be here in full force, or
PMS symptoms but no sign of AF? And has it got you thinking (...pregnant?), or
generally confused or stressed or time to call the OB/Gyn?
CycleView your cycle!

Posted by:
on Sep 23, 2015
Cycle Perplexities
Mystery wrapped in an enigma
For the last 6 years my period has been very, very, irregular. I think my reproductive organs are one big roulette wheel that spins around and whatever number the ball lands in that the month and day my period will come on. I have had cycles as short as 25 days to as long as 89 days and everything in between. On top of that, I started experiencing hot flashes/night sweats in addition to PMS. I don't know if I'm starting menopause or not. If so, great! I live an active lifestyle and have no desire to have children (or my period for that matter). I just wish my period would go away permanently so I don't have to spend my time worrying about when my period is coming on.
Posted by:
on Jan 27, 2015
Cycle Perplexities
Counting day one of a cycle
I have a question about counting the day your cylce starts. I sometimes will bleed slightly the day before my cycle starts. Which day is day one?
Posted by:
on Jan 8, 2015
Cycle Perplexities
Positive test, then bleeding but not a normal one
I have had a tubal since my last son was born in Dec 2013. My periods are normally 28/29 days. I was five days late so I took a test (First Signal) got a light positive then that night started bleeding. I have had no cramps and still having frequesnt urination. I am not filling up a pad like I normally do which is 5-6 pads a day I am doing like 2-3 pads. I plan on taking another test once my period ends or the bleeding stops. I am a little confursed. I hvee had a chemical and early miscarriage and had cramping like my normal period and is always heavy. not the case now.
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Posted by:
on Apr 30, 2014
Cycle Perplexities
Normal Period after stopping Clomid
My husband and I used clomid for three months and each month my period came earlier and earlier. I am a normal 26-28 day cycle, with Clomid the first month I started on day 24 then day 18 then day 17. We are putting off trying for awhile and now have a question about my normal period.
Yesterday was day day 13 and I spotted, so far today I have had one clot and nothing else (yet).
So my question is, is it normal to be all messed up after you stop taking Clomid the first month?
Any advice would be so helpful!
Posted by:
on Jul 4, 2013
Cycle Perplexities
Feeling all messed up and stressing.
Ok so my last period was May 25 lasted about 5 days as usual for me and my cycle is usually 28days. I am now on CD 41 about 12 days late now. Feeling weird having headaches, feeling really run down, and a little emotional which is not normal for me and some minor cramping. The only other time I have missed a period was when I was pregnant with my son who is now 7. I shouldn't even be able to get pregnant because my husband had a vasectomy 4 years ago and was given the all clear but I took 2 HPT over the weekend anyways and both negative.
Not sure if it is stress or possibly something else?
Posted by:
on Feb 6, 2013
Cycle Perplexities
same problem, late, spotting
im having kinda the same thing going on, im 6 days late, been having brown spotting for 2 days but day one only lasted an hour and yesterday again less then a hour and now nothing, so I have no idea whats going...