You, TTC, and Your Partner
Your Trying to Conceive partner is, of course, there physically. Is he also emotionally
supportive, especially if you get a BFN when you hoped this would be the month? Is he open to on-going TTC related talk when you want/need it?

Posted by:
on Jan 13, 2014
You, TTC, and Your Partner
dealing with jealousy, TTC, hubby doesnt want 2nd
My husband and I have been married a little under 2 years and we have a beautiful son, Avian who is 2. I really want to have another baby, hoping for a girl to name Vivienne, who I would call Viva. My husband doesnt want to have another child, in fact, he tells me that he never wanted Avi in the first place. He's a perfect father though and loves that boy to the moon and back.
We have been (well I have been TTC) for over a year and nothing yet. It's really tough and confusing too because my hubby is hot and cold about baby 2 (1 min he's 100% against having another kid, the next he's talking about life as if we had 2 kids)
2 of my sisters are pregnant now, both with 2nd kids and i'm so jealous I can barely show my face to them (well 1 sis I see constantly and the other lives in VT). My VT sis wants me to get involved with her pregnancy but i am against it for personal reasons besides jealousy.
how does a woman cope when her partner doesnt want to have another baby? what do i do if i do get pregnant?
Posted by:
on Feb 27, 2012
You, TTC, and Your Partner
male infertility - teratozoospermia ( abnormal sperm shape)
Hi all
Would really love some advise as we have just found out my hubby has teratozoosperia (abnormal sperm shape) and am wondering if anyone else out there with this problem could enlighten us on what happens next and if anyone has a happen story to share with me. Bit disheartened and my beloved hubby is so down right now even thought I love him more for going through this for me as we are longing to be parents.
Would love some advice on this.
Thanks and baby dust to all xxx
Posted by:
on Jul 29, 2011
You, TTC, and Your Partner
TTC for 2yrs, just found out hubby has low count & poor moti
TTC for 2yrs, just found out that my husband has very low sperm count (not even 1mil) and poor motilty. Will it be possible for me to ever become pregnant? has anyone been sucessfull w/IUI? with this problem, i have no issues w/fertitly on my end. thanks
Posted by:
on May 8, 2011
You, TTC, and Your Partner
Clomid Fertile Period.
My husband and I have been ttc since Feb 09. We started seeing a specialist this year. His sperm count is lower then normal and my periods are really irregular. I was put on clomid and this was the first cycle. My period started April 20th and 5 days later i took my first pill for 5 days. I took an ovulation predictor test on may 5th which came out positive. We had sex two days before this and again on Saturday the 7th. I know we should of had sex on the 5 and 6th for higher chance of success but he had a long day. Do we still have a chance of conceiving this month or am i probably going to have to try again when my cycle starts again. Also will clomid make my periods regular?
Posted by:
on Feb 18, 2011
You, TTC, and Your Partner
Human Growth Hormone and Cut Pituitary Gland Years Ago
Just wondering if anyone possibly knows an answer to this or has dealt with it themselves. When my husband was around 15 or so, he had to have jaw surgery to correct an overbite and they widened his upper palate. The doctor accidentally cut his pituitary gland. They started noticing he wasn't getting facial hair and stuff a bit later, so he was on human growth hormone until he was 21. He's now 28. When we ask the doctors if we can conceive, they beat around the bush and say (TMI ALERT) his testicles are normal feeling, so until we've tried for a year w/ no success, they won't do a SA. The end... no other explanations or possibilities. All we want is for someone to explain the ups and downs. Something like "Well, it can, but since everything feels normal, I'm not worried." We would even be happy with "Yes, let's explore other conception options." We just want to know one way or the other so we haven't wasted a year. Does anyone think this could be affecting his count? We were TTC for about 3 months and stopped due to job frustrations and started again about 4 months ago. Wondering if this could be the problem, but they still won't test him. Any advice?
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Posted by:
on Jan 8, 2011
You, TTC, and Your Partner
SA looks good, but no sperm?
Okay. So my husband and I have been trying for over a year with no luck. On my regular scheduled annual exam with the Gyn in Nov he referred us to a fertility specialist. So begins the bevy of fertility tests. Everything seems to be checking out fine- I'm ovulating, my husbands SA is 179 million, BUT when they did a post-coital test (taking a sample of the CM the day after BDing) there was no sperm found.
Has anyone had any experience with this? I've been trying to Google and found that I could have antibodies attacking the sperm which is why I haven't gotten preggo.
We don't go back to the doctor for another week or so. The nurse was hinting at the fact that he might suggest an IUI.
Anyone else been thru something like this?
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