Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Think you could be pregnant? What early pregnancy signs and symptoms are you having?
Have you taken one or more pregnancy tests yet (early pregnancy tests before your missed period,
or after you're late...)? If negative, have you checked in with the doc yet?

Posted by:
on Nov 24, 2015
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
The Waiting Game
Well, not quite sure how I feel about the possibility of being pregnant. One minute I'm think it would be awesome and then the next I'm dreading it if I am, not because I don't want a baby but right now isn't the best timing financially. My husband and I don't use protect because I just don't seem to get prego haha. But my last period was October 7th, conception would have been October 24th (i track out intimate days), it wasn't planned but October 24th is also my estimated day for ovulation, haha so maybe that's fate. Headaches a little more than usual, sore breasts on and off. I had some very light bleeding around November 7th, could be possible implantation bleeding. I am going to wait until I have another missed period before I test so I'm not disappointed.
Posted by:
on Apr 25, 2015
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Slightly excited I might be pregnant!!!!
Hi all, my last period started on 23rd March and my average cycle is 29 days, I ovulated on 7th April, my AF was due on 21st April so it's now 4 days late, I have been extremely moody and emotional over the past week with sore breasts, I am having slight cramps too. We will be over the moon if we are PG. I haven't done a HPT yet as I'm worried about being disappointed, any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Posted by:
on Jan 16, 2015
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Implantation or period
My last period was dec 7th 2014. I have not gotten my period this month but noticed bleeding exactly 10 11 days after my period was late. it started yesterday but unlike my usual period thin, no clots, stopped late tonight. would this be implantation or a deff period?
Posted by:
on Aug 4, 2014
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
very early symptoms
I've been married almost a full month. I was supposed to start my AF the day of the wedding but didn't (which is unusual because they are fairly regular.) I spotted for two and a half days half a week after my AF should have started. Two weeks later I started getting nauseated when my hubby was talking about certain foods, SUPER sore nipples, blue veins popping up on my breast, super tired, bloated stomach, feeling like I have to pee every 5 min,feeling like I'm going to cry/yell/laugh my guts out all in the same hour, very mild cramping, craving foods I hated a month ago and getting really dizzy. I took hpt at the two and a half week mark and it was negative. Took a few more since then and they have all been negative. I am so sure that I am pregnant, but all the tests say no. Is it all in my head? I dont usually get pms until my AF, but this stuff has lasted for over two weeks. I am not due for my AF for a couple more days... but I still wonder.
Posted by:
on Jul 9, 2014
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Pms or pregnancy cramps?
My period is not due for 2 more days, I've been having really bad cramps for the past 3-4 days and breasts have been sore and sensitive. Everything I read so far says pregnancy cramping is mild and what I've been feeling is not mild at all. Usually I only get cramps a day or two before my period And rarely have the breast sensitivity as a pms symptoms. Don't want to take a test until I'm officially late. Has anyone else felt similar symptoms and end up being pregnant? No nausea, which is what I had with my first pregnancy
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Posted by:
on Jan 14, 2014
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
am i pregnant
im usually a 25 day cycle my last period was dec 15 and i havent recieved my jan 9 period yet i took a pregnancy test but showed up negative .. can i be pregnant or is my period just messed up because theres an extra week (5week) in this month of jan