Conception Frustrations II?
If you're trying to conceive and it's taking longer than you had hoped, what frustrations are you running into? Is it that just about everyone around you seems to be pregnant? Or, something someone said? Or, is you-know-who (your mom, his mom...) pressuring you or asking when way too often? Does it sometimes feel like TTC is more like Trying to Cope?

Posted by:
on Nov 2, 2014
Conception Frustrations II?
Stay Positive
I am the mom to a beautiful 2 year old LO who I am blessed to have. We lost #2 a year ago and are TTC. Its very frustrating, but you cannot lose hope. That's all we have. There are no guarantees. I had a wonderful pregnancy with my son. I was hopeful for the same with my second, but it didn't turn out as expected. I spotted with both pregnancies, which is worrisome in itself. But #2's spotting advanced until I miscarried. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. If you just take your time, try to relax (easier said than done) and practice patience, you will all be rewarded. I will be 38 in Jan. I had my son at 35. All of you who are worried about the clock, just take the battery out and focus on the love of your marriage. The babies will come when its the right time. We plan, and God laughs so they say...Just don't lose hope <3
Posted by:
on Nov 1, 2014
Conception Frustrations II?
Heartbroken and ready to quit
My ex-husband and I tried for my daughter (almost 7 now) for almost 10 months. I eventually gave up and found myself pregnant the next month. We decided to try for baby number 2 before our relationship deteriorated. That went on for 2 and a half years. We both had fertility workus, I had an hsg done as well as some lab work. Found out my hormones were extremely messed up. Most were all 3 to 5 times higher than they should have been. It hurt to hear that as they had no recommendations for a fix. My periods were severely irregular then (showing up once every 6 to 10 months and lasting for about 2 weeks on average). I have since lost about 20 pounds and my periods have dropped to every 27 to 31 days (there have been 2 cycles this year that were 40 days) so I am wondering if maybe the hormones have regulated themselves. My fiance and I want one child together and it has been so frustrating this past year and a half that nothing has worked for us :( I sometimes feel like I am going to go nuts and my friends are all having babies like its nothing, they can get pregnant when they want to. They want me to be happy for them and it is so hard to smile and say well congrats again.
Posted by:
on Oct 16, 2014
Conception Frustrations II?
Frustrations TTC #3
My husband and I are TTC baby #3, and it has been very frustrating. My first child, I got pregnant immediately, and with my second, it took 3 months. We are 4 months in now, and I am losing heart. The pressure is getting to both of us, so much so that during ovulation this month, we weren't able to successfully seal the deal on the most fertile days. It's causing me to feel bitter toward my husband, and just so sad. I know you might be thinking "She has two kids, what's she so upset about?" and "Well, she's already got kids, so this is no big deal, she doesn't need to have any more", but we want this child so much. I love my children more than I can put in words, and I have more love to give. I just want one more baby to love, but I am losing heart.
Posted by:
on May 26, 2014
Conception Frustrations II?
Trying to stay positive
My husband and I have been TTC for some time now. My last period was a week late. We had started to get excited as AF is pretty regular. I mean sure, I've been a couple of days late here and there throughout the years but she's never, ever, ever been a week late. Every other cycle since we began TTC, she arrived on time. Having her arrive after a week was crushing.
My husband is 34 and I am 30. I feel the pressure of the clock. Sometimes I feel like I am being punished for being responsible and waiting until I was a) ready for children and b) in a stable, supportive and loving relationship with a man who wants children. It took me ages to find my husband and involved a cross-Atlantic move (I moved to the UK to pursue my MA and Ph.D) and as a result, I'm coming out of my peak fertile years. But what was I supposed to do? Have a kid with a guy who was barely boyfriend material and definitely not father material just to have a child?
I am trying to stay positive but it is so hard. Every day I feel like someone else is announcing their pregnancy. It stings the most when someone who wasn't trying or hasn't been trying as long...I want to be happy for them but it hurts so much.
Posted by:
on Feb 8, 2014
Conception Frustrations II?
I just want to be a Mom
The extreme sadness every month when AF comes is the worst. I prepare myself each time, and each time its like I'm hit with a hug sadness stick. One minute I'll be fine, the next I can't stop crying. I have only been TTC for a short time, but waited a LONG time to get to that point. I will be 30 in 2 months and am feeling the pressure of time. My DH tells me we are young and have plenty of time, but I am so worried something will prevent us from having children. I know that if my worries become truth it will put off my motherhood even further. All I want it to be a Mom...
Posted by:
on Sep 9, 2013
Conception Frustrations II?
Me and my fiance have been trying for a year and a month its so frustrating that I pray and cry all the time and sometimes try to force myself that im pregnant but I always get that big fat not pregnant its hard not to think about it when everybody around you is pregnant its hurts it makes me feel as if im not a women I know its not because im old because were bout only 20 and pretty healthy I just don't understand this it hurts so bad sometimes to think what if I cant have kids.