When do you take a pregnancy test?
At what point during your
cycle do you take a pregnancy test? If you are trying to conceive do you wait the Two Week Wait, or do you start testing earlier? Or, if you're not trying to conceive, how late are you when you start testing?

Posted by:
on Jan 31, 2015
When do you take a pregnancy test?
One more, one more, one more...
My husband and I have had our share of trials in our 11 years of marriage, getting through college while raising kids, loosing our first born, miscarriages and successful pregnancies,even raising relatives children due to their drug use. I feel like I'm done having children, I've got 4 children in my home as it is and while we are considered middle-class, of course we live pay-check to pay-check. He wants more children. I honestly can't change his mind, although Ive tried. He's wanted a lot of kids for as long as I've known him. Everyone always said "just wait, once you have one or two he'll realize that's plenty" but he's not like that at all. He LOVES the kids and if anything wants even more. I've pretty much agreed to one more for now, but had no intention of getting pregnant this year (my youngest just turned 1). Now here I am, searching the internet because I might be pregnant and have never had one unplanned. ugh. UGH UGH UGH>... I need to turn this positive in my mind, but I just can't right now. The faster this week goes by and I have a real answer, the better. Has anyone else delt with a pregnancy with bad timing? I know many must have, but we've planned out, down to the week I'd be due, when I wanted each child to arrive and got pregnant accordingly. Lol, I get pregnant according to what I want that childs birthstone to be. Needless to say, I have zero problems getting pregnant, although I've had a couple problems staying pregnant before. I'll be testing ASAP, like starting at the 6 days before my missed period and every day until my period arrives or I get a positive!!!!
Posted by:
on May 19, 2013
When do you take a pregnancy test?
When shall I take a test?
I am not trying to conceive, and my periods are never late. I was due to have a period 10/5/2013 and two tests are negative: when should I retry? Thanks.
Posted by:
on Jan 5, 2013
When do you take a pregnancy test?
should i take a test now
ok im confused i dont know if im late and should take a pregnancy test or not. my last cycle was dec2, nov 8, oct7, sept,2, aug1,and i thnk july 2...my breast are sore but im thinking that its just pms and its comeing. im confused
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Posted by:
on Oct 5, 2012
When do you take a pregnancy test?
positive pregancy test, now negative...
hi need help, i did a pregnancy test a week ago and came out posititve. i was due on the 3rd of this month. now am 2 days late i have tested again and have had 4 negative tests. i have been trying for 3 years
Posted by:
on Mar 16, 2012
When do you take a pregnancy test?
Trying to wait before another test...
My husband and I have been trying for the past 18 months. My last period was on February 11th. I've been having nausea, vomiting after certain meals, emotional, and I've had a headache for the past two weeks. I took a test on March 11 and it was negative. Two days ago I had a light pink spot when I wiped. I've had no other signs of my period. I'm trying to wait longer before taking another test. I'm tired of being disappointed:(
Posted by:
on Jan 11, 2012
When do you take a pregnancy test?
When do you take a pregnancy test?
Hi I am new to this site! I haven't been on the pill for the last 4 months and decided to ttc last month. My cycle is normally 28 days, but one month was 29, the next 31. I tested when should have been due AF on day 28 (Mon) and BFN. I tested again today and BFN. If my cycle is 31 days im not due til tomorrow. When is best to test again the wait is killing me???