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Contraceptive Choices
From condoms to cervical caps to hormonal rings, patches, and many types of birth control pills, today we have so many contraception options from which to choose!
What birth control do you use? What are your birth control's pros? Its cons? Are you thinking of switching to something else?
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Posted by:
on Dec 8, 2015
Contraceptive Choices
Used pill, iud, patch, injections. Made me a B word with no sex drive and hair loss. Have not used hormone bc for 5 yrs. i use charting and I am married.
Overall Relate Rating:
2 Ratings
Posted by:
on Jan 9, 2015
Contraceptive Choices
tubal done but late period and pos hpt
i had a tubal a yr ago and recently met someone. i was late so tested and got light pos but then started af. i am wondering if anyone has done this before. this af is not my normal all.
Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings
Posted by:
on Dec 23, 2014
Contraceptive Choices
7 years of Ortho Evra Patch
Hi.I've been using Ortho Evra for 7 years now and I've decided to come off it in the next few weeks. My husband and I would like to conceive this coming summer of 2015. I don't know anyone whose been on the patch this long and I wanted to get your opinions on how long it has taken others to start ovulating without birth control in the picture. My concern stems from having used it this long! Not sure what to expect. Anything helps. Thank you.
Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings
Posted by:
on Oct 29, 2013
Contraceptive Choices
Mirena Questions
I've had Mirena in for almost 5 years and I'm going to have it removed and replaced in December. What I was wondering is it painful to have it removed and is it any easier or harder to insert second one compared to the first one. It was very painful for me to have my original one inserted. Is there anything I can do to make the insertion easier?
Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings
Posted by:
on Jul 24, 2013
Contraceptive Choices
Natural Family Planning- Symptothermal Method
My husband and I use the symptothermal method of Natural Family Planning. At first, we weren't sure how effective it was, but it's amazing how well we have gotten to know my body's fertility. We've been using it for almost two years now, and, although I have an irregular cycle, I am always able to predict my period 12 days before it happens. We love this method because I don't have to take hormones that are risky to my health. Also, it allows him to be involved in our choice to postpone pregnancy. We love everything about it, including the periods of abstinence that build up the passion we have for each other and allows us to grow closer in other ways.
Overall Relate Rating:
1 Ratings
Posted by:
on Jul 9, 2013
Contraceptive Choices
Year 4 of Mirena
I've been on Mirena since May 2009 and periods have been somewhat regular (avg. 34 days give or take a couple). Just had my annual check up last month (June 2013) and everything is normal (still in place). My last period was 5/25/13 and according to this site I was due for the next one on 6/28/13...well up to today (7/9/13) still no AF. Is it possible that Mirena can cause your cycle to all of a sudden stop after year 4?
Overall Relate Rating:
2 Ratings
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