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Conception Frustrations?
If you're trying to conceive and it's taking longer than you had hoped, what frustrations are you running into? Is it that just about everyone around you seems to be pregnant? Or, something someone said? Or, is you-know-who (your mom, his mom...) pressuring you or asking when way too often? Does it sometimes feel like TTC is more like Trying to Cope?
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Extremely frustrated!
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49 Ratings
3 years and still trying
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10 Ratings
Cannot let it get me down
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9 Ratings
In our bouts of moving, Ive made my share of friends. And I have my few friends back home. The 2 back home got pregnant and are pregnant again. My sister's had 3 kids. At least 6 of my friends in OK got pregnant. Now I warn everyone I know that when they're around me theyll get pregnant. I want to be happy for them but at the same time, I'm bitter & angry.
I've told lots of people we're TTC. I don't tell all of the little details but they know we're having problems. No one has said anything hurtful or tried to help when they've never been in this situation. We were talking to my Gma one day about it and she goes "Does he need viagra?" It was so funny. It's a little joke we can tell now to lighten the mood.
But yeah, the process has been frustrating. But no pressure. Just TTC (and it does feel like Trying To Cope).
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9 Ratings
TTC and obsessed
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10 Ratings
TTC first child, with PCOS
But after ttc for 6 months I made a doctors appointment, and after three blood tests was informed: at the age of 23 that I have PCOS.
I'm not going to lie, there are days when I'm aware it's going to take time, love, and effort to make our dream come true, but recently I have crumbled into a sobbing mess.
A close friend has just found out she is pregnant to a male friend of hers, completely out of the blue and un-planned. They are going to stay friends for the babies sake, but are not going to be together as a couple. I'm trying my hardest to be happy for her, but I genuinely can't. I have not yet met up with my friend, and dread the day I see her baby bump develop.
Being bitter is a new emotion to me, and I absolutely hate feeling this way. But, I feel i'm not in control of my emotions anymore. My poor husband has the hard task to console me every couple of weeks, when the effort to concieve begins to take its toll on me again. I feel like my main purpose in life is unattainable.
I had a Doctors appointment today, hoping to seek advice on Clomid and other fertility options. However, the doctor insists I try using Ovulation kits in the first instance. So right after my appointment, my husband and I went to our local chemist and ordered a Clear Blue Digital Ovulation Kit, which I will pick up in store tomorrow.
I'm going to keep trying, but for now, I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Overall Relate Rating:
7 Ratings
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