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TTC - To Say or Say Not?
While Trying to Conceive, have you found others (even people you barely know) asking prying questions or offering unsolicited advice? Do you think they mean well and just don't think, or are they being meddling and/or on the rude side? Do you respond, ignore it, brew over it all night...?

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some advice may work, some may not....
You know it doesn't hurt to listen. if you take it great if not then no harm but you just never know until you try or in some cases find out from others it don't work.
best of luck to you.
Overall Relate Rating:
2 Ratings
Not telling!
Overall Relate Rating:
6 Ratings
Smiling about "our" secret
Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings
Embarrassed / Getting over hang ups
Had a m/c in the end and had to have an ERPC (d&c?) to remove. It was only early on but it was pretty heartbreaking.
After the hormones died away again I went back to same old me: too many hobbies and desires to want to put kids in the mix. Poor DH was upset.
Anyway, about 2 months ago, it's like I had an overnight hormone implant. And now, what do I want? A baby!
BUT I am so embarrassed about it! I feel like its partly because I'm finally accepting being a woman whereas I always feared that part of me before. I can't help worrying that my mum will be disappointed with me. There's no way I could tell them that we're TTC! But I did finally hint to a couple of friends the other day, by which I mean I said that I had changed my mind about the whole kids thing and was even considering the possibility of having one sooner rather than later.
For so long I think I viewed became 'feminine' as weak, but now I know it's not. I also think some of my hang ups about it weren't mine but maybe my mum's as, although she loves us, I think we were a shock (me especially, being the oldest) and I know she wishes she'd done 'more' with her life. If only she could see that she still has the chance!
Anyway....I guess I'm ranting here because I don't know who else to talk to, except DH!
Overall Relate Rating:
6 Ratings
No say
Overall Relate Rating:
1 Ratings
my little secret...
I mean, I didn't really entirely do it behind his back... and it's not like my fiance doesn't know I'm charting and know where my FM charts are at... plus, he knew well enough to notice when I was late for sure.
Really though, I know deep down he wants it as bad as me; especially since we had an ectopic PG back in OCT and it was a HUGE disappointment to him.
If the BD we did when I was OV this month worked, should I ever tell him of my conspiracy? I'm pretty sure we're PG again, and I feel so devious... :\
Overall Relate Rating:
3 Ratings
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