Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Are you dealing with heavy periods, irregular
cycles, Endometriosis, Fibroids, PCOS, anovulatory cycles or other gynecological issues? How does it impact your day to day? What treatment has your doctor
given you? Has it resolved the problem?
Posted by:
on Mar 18, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Abnormally long cycles
Most normal cycles are around 28 days long but my cycle is naturally 40 days long! I'm told that I'm a relatively healthy girl and have nothing to worry about. It's just annoying that when I miss a period, I have to wait almost three months to see if I get one again, which is a lot of time to worry about if something is up. Plus PMS is horrible due to the longer cycle. I always come down with a cold/flu right before my period starts. My doctor has told me that I can fix my cycle with birth control pills but I don't think I should take medication if I am really healthy and don't need.
I think it would comfort me if I knew if there were other people out there that have long times between periods too. So how about it? Any one else out there with an abnormally long cycle too?
Posted by:
on Mar 9, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Heavy Periods
I am dealing with extremely heavy periods some time accompanied with cramping but more so a burning sensation around the belly button area. This has been happening for approximately 1 year. I have also noticed that my periods are getting further apart - on an average of 45 - 50 days apart. I have discussed this with the dr before and he think it might be the starting of menopause -- age is now 42?I do not have any other symptoms. Any other advice or what to look for? My medications does include a daily low does asprin and I was on Plavex for approx 6 months befor the asprin
Posted by:
on Mar 4, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
I got diagnosed with endometriosis last month. We found out I had it when I became pregnate and lost the baby. My doctor is advising me to take a birth control or the shot it control my endometriosis but I'm a little iffy about it. We don't want to try again right now, but I don't want it to get bad and this happen again.
Posted by:
on Feb 13, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Do you know much about Fibroid Embolization?
I have fibroids. As far as I know I have had them for about 3 years. I have been told by my doctor that they are getting larger. My doctor wants to do fibroid embolization. I don't want a hysterectomy.
These fibroids affect my life by causing me to have very heavy periods. Sometimes I can barely walk. I can't work or really do anything when I am having my period. It's awful.
If anyone has had fibroid embolization, I would really like to hear your views on it, and how your experience went. I am going to a Radiologist on Monday the 15th of Feb to discuss it. I am a bit nervous about the fact that they go through your artery. It sounds scary.
If you have had it done, you can reply to my post.
Thanks So Much!!
x x x x
Posted by:
on Feb 6, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Strange happenings after starting reflox, Acup, agnus catcus
Need some advice. I have PCOS and over the last year and a half have had only 4 periods ranging up to CD100! Decided to start reflexology and acupuncture also started to take agnus catcus the herb and some vitamins to help with hormal balance plus folic acid etc. Well I got a 36 day cycle and then a 27 day cycle last month and ovulated on day 19 BFN!!!. Anyway my period was very light about 2 days and then some spotting for several days. I am on CD 11 now and my OPK kits are detecting a strong LH surge but its still fainter than the control line so its a negative, but I am also getting some non menstral spotting (very light, hardly notice it only im looking for changes etc) which I have never ever had before. Do you think my body is starting to regulate it? I just dont understand this! Any info and advice welcomed please!
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Posted by:
on Jan 28, 2010
Endometriosis, Heavy Periods, Fibroids...
Living with PCOS
I was diagnosed with PCOS about three years ago. I have had severe cramps since period began when I was 13. Tried alot of pain relievers without relief. Most recent Dr said they were gonna put me on Metformin for the PCOS but so far haven't prescribed it for me. Has anyone else been given Metformin for PCOS. If so has it helped.