Conception Frustrations?
If you're trying to conceive and it's taking longer than you had hoped, what frustrations are you running into? Is it that just about everyone around you seems to be pregnant? Or, something someone said? Or, is you-know-who (your mom, his mom...) pressuring you or asking when way too often? Does it sometimes feel like TTC is more like Trying to Cope?
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Conception Frustrations II
Posted by:
on Aug 10, 2009
Conception Frustrations?
trying to get pregnant
Hi there, i have been trying to get pregnant for over a year but had no luck, i had a misscarrige 10months ago so its really frustrating of trying every month with no luck, plus my cycles are all over the plc from 33 days to 38 days.
Posted by:
on Aug 6, 2009
Conception Frustrations?
wondering if I should give up hopes of having a baby
Hello everyone this is my first post. I am 24 and I have a 3 yr old daughter. My husband and I started trying to concieve may 2008. In november of 2008 I stopped having periods. I finally got to a fertility specialist in april 2009, that found I have no or low progesterone levels. she put me o metformin 1500 mg daily. I had my first period in may 2009. My husband and I still have not become pregnant, and trust me we are trying like everyother night or so. We really want another baby, we are happy with molly she is wonderful, we just want 2 of her. If you have anything that might help,or any words of wisdom, please do help. Thank you for yur time.
Posted by:
on Aug 1, 2009
Conception Frustrations?
God Please Bless Us and don't let us lose this one...
I am in the TWW period or should I say ONE week wait and it is also killing me!This is our second month TTC and I have just received some disturbing news from my GYN... I have had 2 miscarriages in the past year, had tons of test and my old dr. found nothing wrong just said it must have been chromosomal. A month ago I swiched doctors when my husband and I were ready to try again. My new doctor is truly a gift from God! After reviewing my chart/history she decided to order a transvaginal ultrasound to check for an irregularly shaped uterus or anything that may be causing my miscarriages. This week I went for my ultrasound and then went in to speak with my dr. She informed me that I have a heart shaped uterus and that I may have a septum. This can possibly cause miscarriage if the egg implants in the septum instead of the uterine wall, because there is not enough room, blood flow, or nutrients traveling to the egg thus ending in miscarriage. She told me to call as soon as or IF my period comes so that she can do a hysterosalpingogram or xray dye test. This is supposed to show if I do indeed have a septum and if it may be causing my miscarriages. This was our second month trying and I did not have to even try for my 1st two pregnancies, we truly want to be blessed with a child very soon, but with this news I just don't know what to think. If I am pregnant this month I am worried that the egg did implant in the septum and if I am not pregnant I wonder when we will be able to have our little miracle b/c I will have to have surgery to remove the septum if it does exist. I'm really sorry this is so long, it just feels good to be able to vent about it all! If anyone has any information on the hysterosalpingogram or uterine septums please reply or if you would just like to vent right back!!! I pray that I am pregnant this month and that my little egg implanted in the right spot this time, just the thought of another miscarriage terrifies me. Please keep us in your prayers!
Posted by:
on Jul 30, 2009
Conception Frustrations?
TTC & Cycle Going Crazy - advice
TTC & Completely frustrated any recommendations!!
My hubby & I are trying to conceive #3, we have been trying for 8 months now and my body just keeps getting more and more complicated. #1 & #2 were conceived within 1 or 2 months but now my body seems to be going crazy. My normal cycles that I have had forever have all of a sudden decided to become irregular with my cycle getting farther and farther apart - I mean 1.5 - 2 weeks late each month. I did the OPK tests and tested +, we TTC a day before and several times the days following with no luck. Any suggestions on how to get back my normal cycles? I am trying to do it naturally before I go to my doctor for advice -sadly - my previous doctor whom I just left was less than happy to help me - she actually commented that I was lucky to have my 2 children which I agree but why is it so wrong to want #3 especially when we are financially good and great parents. Anyone been in a similar situation? Many people keep telling me it is stress but I have been pretty relaxed!
Posted by:
on Jul 29, 2009
Conception Frustrations?
Im So Frustrated I Dont Know What To Do Anymore
Me and the hubby have been TTC#1 for over a year now. My hopes have slowly began to decrease. In the beginning, we really didnt know about tracking and the ovulation dates and once we hit the 6 month mark the doctor told me work on that and in 6 months come back. Well I have and it seems that every month I track it and we TTC around the time of my "ovulation" notihing happens. We thought we were pregnant in June. I was actually 6 days late and all 3 tests were BFN. And it bothers me everyday I come to work, because I see all these women with big bellys and its like all the odds are working against us. We have an appointment to talk over fertility on the 6th of August but its just so frustrating. Money is always tight and buying OPK's and BBT thermo's AHHH We actually thought about just having sex everyday this coming month. I mean would it hurt? I actually read a study that men who have sex everyday increase the sperm productivity. So maybe? I will be getting out of the Army soon and would love to get prego around that time. we want this so bad and it seems like nothing will let us
Posted by:
on Jul 29, 2009
Conception Frustrations?
PCOS and TTC but Not O'ing
Hi, I'm new to this. My hubby and I have 2 boys, 3 & 5 and are ttc #3. I went off pill in Aug and was prego by Dec with my first. My 2nd was more difficult. Finally went on Metformin for 3 months and was prego. Had m/c after that. Now have been TTC for almost 2 years. Dr says I have PCOS. I tried 2 cycles of clomid and no luck. Went to nutritional councillor and have now lost 25 pounds and am now hoping to get prego soon. Periods were pretty much non existant last year but now, since seeing nutritional councellor, they are getting more regular. Have been from 60 days to 26 days, which believe it or not is good for me. Getting frusterated as I'm 35 and my kids are getting older and I don't want #3 too far apart.
Had progesterone test yesterday 25dpo and result was 5.
Anyone in the same or similar situation?
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