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First Period Experience

Where were you when your first period started? How old were you? Did you talk to your mom, friends? What was your initial reaction? Retrospectively, could it have been different or more positive experience, and, if so, how?

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Posted by: brysgurk81 on Mar 27, 2008
First Period Experience

Easter Dinner with Aunt Flo

I was 14 and eating Easter dinner with my family at a restaurant and had the urge to use the restroom. I went to the bathroom and looked down and needless to say I was experiencing a very heavy visit from Aunt Flo. I had just had surgery a few months before, so I wasn't even thinking it could be my period. I thought I was dying. So I went out and very calmly asked my mom to come back with me. She explained that I wasn't dying, just having my first experience with the joys of being a woman! Of course she whipped out the biggest, bulkiest pad on the market and said here. Needless to say I waddled out of the bathroom like I had been riding a horse for WAAAAAAAAAAAY too long. I don't think it could have been a more positive's definitely one I won't ever forget!

Overall Relate Rating: 4 Ratings

Posted by: 1Sunnyirl on Feb 12, 2008
First Period Experience

At school in white pants

I was only 10 years old and not mentally prepared. I was wearing white pants at school and I went to the bathroom and saw a big red spot on my pants. I told my teacher I was sick so I could go home but my mom had to work late so my dad had to pick me up. I was too embarassed to tell my dad so I waited, with no protection, until my mom got home. When I finally got the courage to tell my mom she got out an encyclopedia to explain in more detail, she wasn't sure how to handle it at first either.

Overall Relate Rating: 4 Ratings

Posted by: LadyJones on Jan 23, 2008
First Period Experience

Too Young!

My first period was when I was 8 years old and in the third grade. As if being this young wasn't bad enough, I started at school and my teacher was a man! It was the worst experience of my life!

Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings

Posted by: LovingWife on Jan 19, 2008
First Period Experience

Well prepared, but circumstances could not have been worse!

My mom had many talks with me before I started my period and we had read books together about puberty--she had even let me try on a pad before, so I could be prepared! I was even looking forward to starting my period! In that way my mom was very encouraging. The day my period started, I was 11 years old and on vacation with my family. After I went to the bathroom, I "dripped" on the toilet seat and saw light blood! So I told my mom, who hugged me and gave me a pad. I was scared but felt very grown up! Unfortunately, the first night I leaked on the sheets of the bed I was sharing with my grandma, so I woke her up, extremely embarrassed, and she got me a pad (proceeding to tell my grandpa I had started my period, which I was horrified about!). Then when we left to fly home, our flight was canceled so we had to rent a car and drive home. Traveling is hard enough without being 11 years old and on your first period! I remember feeling so gross and going to the bathroom every couple of minutes to make sure I hadn't "leaked". I felt so out of control of my body and felt like I could tell something was constantly leaking out of me. Later I found out that my mom had told my aunt and her boyfriend that I started my period--another thing that really embarrassed me. At first I was pretty private about my period; I viewed it as something secretive because it was scary for me! Now my girlfriends and I (and our husbands sometimes too!) chat about our periods openly and I know it is not something to be ashamed of.

My experience was good because of the encouragement I had from my mom and family, but the circumstances couldn't have been any worse! Being on vacation, away from what's familiar, and having to travel when you are still learning the timing of changing your pad, all was difficult for me at such a young age. But alas, that's one thing you cannot help. My periods always start at inconvenient times. Your body will do what it wants to do! :)

Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings

Posted by: Draevyn on Jan 18, 2008
First Period Experience

I Cried

I was only 9 yo when I first started. I was, luckily, at home, but I had only the slightest idea of what was going on. I immediately started to cry and ran outside to find my Mom. My older brother and a friend were with her, talking, and I couldn't get Mom's attention, so I just stated (loudly), "Mom, I think I started my Period!" And everyone got quiet. And then they all stared at me. It was so embarrassing! Of course Mom ran over and hugged me, and cryed. Looking back on it, I would have to say that it wasn't horrible at all. A little scary for that first intant, but not a bad experience.

Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings

Posted by: pinkgirl on Jan 2, 2008
First Period Experience

My First Period.

i was 11 and it was on jan 1,1987, so i just turned 11 in dec '86. i wasn't scared because i had an older friend who had got hers early that year in '86 that told me about it. she show me the pads and how to put it on. my parents didn't talk to me about until it happens. my mother got hers at 14 so, she didn't think i was going to get it at 11. it blew her mind. my daughter got hers at 8 but her birthday was the next month in june '05. so it gets younger and younger with each generation.

Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings

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