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Conception Frustrations?
If you're trying to conceive and it's taking longer than you had hoped, what frustrations are you running into? Is it that just about everyone around you seems to be pregnant? Or, something someone said? Or, is you-know-who (your mom, his mom...) pressuring you or asking when way too often? Does it sometimes feel like TTC is more like Trying to Cope?

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Now open for Posting: Conception Frustrations II

Issues after Depo

Posted by: bitgoddess on Sun Aug 26, 2007
My husband and I decided that we were ready to have another child at the end of last year. My last Dep shot was 1 Aug 2006. I was on the shot for a year and a half after the birth of my son. My first year on Depo went fairly well, my only side effect was the mood swings. I really enjoyed not having a menstrual cycle. After that, it just started doing weird things with my body. We discussed the option of coming off the shot, but decided to wait a few more months. My body went really crazy after coming off the shot. My cycles were completely random and still have not sorted out. It only took 3 months to get pregnant with my son, and we weren't even trying. We both would like a sibling for our son before he gets too much older. Both my husband and I have siblings that we are not close to because of an age gap. He is 10 years younger than his brother, and I am 13 years older than my sister. My ideal age gap is 2-4 years between my son and his sibling. I was expecting to conceive shortly after coming off the Depo. However, I talked to some of my neighbors and co-workers and they have told me that it took them 2-3 years to get pregnant after coming off the shot. Is this a normal thing, or am I just too impatient?
Overall Relate Rating: 6 Ratings


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