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Mom and Intro to Periods
How would you say your mom did during your early period years? Exceptional job, making you feel comfortable with your period? Or could she have used some work in that department? Will you do things differently if you have a daughter?

on a scale from 1 to 100 about a 50

Posted by: cowgirlluv on Mon Apr 6, 2009
i had just turned 12 i had been thinking that it was going to hurt and other things because every time i did not feel good she told me to go and see if i had started then when i did she gave me a pad then i went out of the room and she called my dad and told him and at some time she told her brothers and talked about it with people in front of me and for two years she would ask me when i started last and when my next one in front of my brother and dad if i have a daughter i am going to be open with her about this stuff
Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings


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