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No Periods, Less Periods
Period suppression is currently a very hot topic. Will you (or do you already) take prescription meds to stop your period, or to have less periods a year? Why or why not?

Longer cycles are overrated.

Posted by: alicelizabeth on Sun Apr 19, 2009
I don't think I'd take drugs to suppress menses. I'm currently on a weird, 2+ month cycle, and it's driving me crazy! I have no idea when to expect my menses, and it's got me wondering if there's something wrong. I've had my hormones checked and they say everything's OK, but it's awfully hard to tell when my body seems out of whack. I'm currently at 10 weeks since my last period, and I'm unmarried and a virgin so it can't be pregnancy. I'd rather my body just got back to normal, that I'd have a period once a month like I always used to and feel regular again.
I used to think it might be nice to have fewer periods, but it just has me nervous all the time. At least when you're regular you can forget about your periods in the off days. I have to think about it all the time! It's very irritating. Maybe if the condition were drug-induced and predictable it would be better, but I'd personally rather not risk it or have to deal with it. Bring on the 28-day cycle!
Overall Relate Rating: 5 Ratings


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